What is Blood Sugar?
Blood sugar is also known as blood glucose. It the main sugar found in the blood. Glucose is a simple sugar that is the primary source of energy and is important for the normal function of some tissues. Glucose is carried by your blood to all the cells in your body to use for energy. It is particularly needed by the normal function of the human brain. It is stored in the skeletal muscles and liver cells in the form of glycogen.
The body regulates blood sugar levels to maintain metabolic homeostasis. It is transported via the bloodstream to the other tissues in the body from the intestines or liver. Glucose in the cell tissues is regulated by a hormone produced by the pancreas called insulin.
Effects of High and Low Blood Glucose Level
- Hyperglycemia. When glucose levels are higher than normal, it causes inflammation in the blood vessels and nerves and causes diabetes. The normal function of insulin in keeping sugar in normal range is damaged when you have diabetes.
- Hypoglycemia. Low blood sugar level also causes potential health problem. It can cause dizziness, confusion or fainting.
Normal Blood Sugar Levels
- Fasting. Under the official ADA recommendation, the normal level for a person without diabetes is 70-99 mg/dl (3.9-5.5 mmol/L). Person with diabetes is 80-130 mg/dl (4.4-7.2 mmol/L)
- 2 Hours after meals. Normal for person without diabetes is Less than 140 mg/dl (7.8 mmol/L) and the official ADA recommendation for someone with diabetes is Less than 10 mg/dl (10.0 mmol/L)
Blood sugar level is usually lowest in the morning and before the first meal in a day. It rises in an hour or two after taking your meals. Blood sugar levels beyond the normal range indicates medical condition.
Having too much glucose in your blood may result to serious problems. Too high blood sugar levels results to diabetes. But even person without diabetes may have serious problems when their blood sugar levels are too high or too low. Regular exercise, maintaining a regular schedule of eating and taking the recommended medicine may help regulate your blood sugar.