Effects of High Blood Sugar and Ways to Maintain its Normal Level
Blood sugar level is raised by glucose, the main sugar found in the blood. This sugar is from the different types of food we eat that contain carbohydrates. However, other factors such as stress and the timing of the mealtime can also affect how the blood sugar is regulated.
When cells are not absorbing glucose, high blood sugar results which damages nerves, blood vessels and organs that would ultimately result to dangerous complications. Excess glucose in the bloodstream or hyperglycemia is a sign of diabetes.
Diabetes is either type 1 wherein the person with this type don’t make insulin. Or type 2 diabetes wherein the body does not use insulin properly. It is therefore important to regularly check blood sugar level and to watch out for symptoms that would indicate high sugar level.
Signs And Symptoms Of High Blood Sugar
- You pee a lot and drink a lot. Too much sugar in the blood which spills into urine. Making you pee a lot and thirsty. You also lose weight.
- You are tired all the time. This happens when the cells don’t have enough glucose and so has low energy.
- Thicker blood sugar making it difficult to get to small blood vessels.
- Vision loss. Blood sugar that is high can cause blurry vision and can harm eye health.
- Peripheral neuropathy. Prolonged high blood sugar level can lead to numbed toes and tingling fingers.
- Feet infection. High blood sugar can result to lose sensitivity in the feet.
- Loss of libido. Excess sugar in the blood results in erectile dysfunction and vaginal dryness.
- Constipation or frequent diarrhea. The nerves that control the internal body functions are affected by the high sugar level.
- Kidney problems. Increased level of blood sugar in the tiny vessels of the kidney damages its normal function which would eventually require dialysis or transplantation.
- Stroke and heart attack. Diabetes can elevate the risk of heart disease and stroke.
- Alzheimer’s disease. Blood vessel damage due to high blood sugar level can affect your brain and impair thinking and memory.
- Tooth decay. Sugar in the saliva can leave plaque on the teeth. High blood sugar causes also painful gums and bleeding.
- Urinary tract infection. Diabetes can also damage the nerves that control the bladder function. There is difficulty in emptying the bladder or in retaining and releasing urine.
- Dry skin. There is body fluid loss and skin becomes cracked, dry and itchy.
- Risk factor. People who are overweight, have high blood pressure, physically inactive and have a family history are at risk for diabetes. It is therefore advisable to check blood sugar level repeatedly to have it get treated early land avoid possible complications.
How To Maintain Normal Blood Sugar
- Eat a healthy diet. Balance carbohydrates and sugar with protein and fats, Fiber and healthy fat can help s
tabilize blood sugar.
- Natural Supplements. Take in natural supplements to help regulate your blood sugar.
- Switch carbs and sweeteners. Avoid refined sugar and use instead natural sweeteners.
- Get regular exercise. Exercise helps your muscles to take up more glucose and use it for energy and tissue repair. This process lowers blood sugar.
- Manage stress. Manage your stress because high stress can raise blood sugar and increase the level of stress hormone cortisol. Stress relievers like yoga, meditation and exercise can be relaxing and helps diabetes with insulin resistance.
- Enough rest. Lack of sleep can elevate stress and appetite hormones. Too little sleep, poor quality and wrong times when sleeping can impair insulin secretion. Stick to a schedule of sleep and aim to have longer sleeping hours