Archive for May 2017
High Fructose Corn Syrup and Diabetes
Type II diabetes is a rising global epidemic that has been linked to extremely high healthcare costs.
A study by researchers from University of Oxford and USC revealed that the condition has been boosted by large amounts of HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) found in food supplies around the world.
The study, which was published in Global Public Health, suggested that countries with HFCS content in their food supply were 20 percent more likely to have a diabetes epidemic than those without it.
Furthermore, the study indicated that the significantly increased prevalence of diabetes associated with the HFCS did not depend on whether the patient had obesity or high sugar intake.
HFCS – A Serious Health Risk
According to Michael Goran – who is the principal study author and director of the Childhood Obesity Research, professor of preventive medicine, and co-director of the Diabetes & Obesity Research Institute at USC’s Keck School of Medicine – HFCS seems to pose a serious public health threat on a global scale.
The study is one of the many scientific literatures that linked HFCS consumption with negative health implications separate from and more harmful than natural sugar.
There were 42 countries involved in the study, and the United States was found to contain the highest per-capita consumption of high fructose corn syrup at 55 pounds (or 25 kilograms) per year.
Hungary followed at a close second, with an annual rate of 47 pounds (16 kilograms) per capita. Some of the other countries found guilty of high HFCS consumption include Slovakia, Mexico, Korea, Japan, Canada, Bulgaria, Belgium, and Argentina.
Countries that were on the lower end of HFCS consumption include Serbia, Portugal, Poland, Greece, Germany, Finland, and Egypt. Some countries such as Uruguay, the UK, Sweden, Italy, Ireland, India, France, Denmark, China, and Australia had a rate of less than 0.5kg per year.
Generally, countries with a relatively high number of HFCS consumers were found to have an average prevalence of type II diabetes of 8%, while those with fewer users had 6.7 percent.
Stanley Ulijaszek – the study co-author and director of the Institute of Social & Cultural Anthropology at the University of Oxford – concluded that increased use of HFCS and the rise of Type II diabetes were directly related.
This relationship is probably aided by higher fructose levels in foods and beverages prepared with HFCS. While both glucose and fructose occur in ordinary sugar in equal amounts, HFCS boasts a higher concentration of fructose.
This subsequently makes HFCS sweeter and provides greater stability and better appearance to processed foods, particularly because foods made with a lot of fructose tend to have more consistent browning when baked.
High Fructose in Soft Drinks
In another related study, the fructose content in certain U.S.-based soft drinks, mainly the most popular ones, was found to be approximately 20% higher than expected.
This basically means that some manufacturers might be adding more fructose than was previously thought. The researchers stated that these differences might be contributing to high fructose consumption in countries that use HFCS.
However, since the industry does not disclose HFCS content on food levels, the study noted that it is difficult to determine the actual fructose content in foods and beverages.
Fructose Metabolized Differently
Substantial research has shown that fructose is metabolized differently from glucose in the body.
For starters, insulin is not involved in fructose metabolism, which takes place mostly in the liver so that it can be converted into fat. This process has been linked to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, one of the rising conditions among Hispanics in Mexico and the United States.
According to Ulijaszek, sweet foods are in high demand amongst most populations, but unfortunately some people are consuming significantly more fructose from HFCS than the human metabolism is capable of processing.
This syrup is available in many processed foods and drinks, but the exact content varies tremendously from country to country.
The U.S. is the largest consumer of HFCS. In fact, HFCS was the predominant sweetener in soft drinks in the country by the late ‘90s, and it accounted for about 40% of all caloric sweeteners.
However, since trade restrictions were lifted in 2008, HFCS exports from the U.S. to Mexico rose “exponentially”.
The researchers have recommended public health strategies that call for better labeling of HFCS and fructose content in processed foods.
To highlight the different levels of HFCS consumption in the European Union, the researchers stated that quotas for high fructose corn syrup production were set by trade & agricultural policies.
Some countries like the U.K. and Sweden do not claim their assigned quotas, but other countries like Slovakia and Hungary can purchase additional quotas from the disinterested countries.
As such, the findings of the study have serious implications on international trade policies that may have an impact on public health.
Tim Lobstein – the director of the International Association for the Study of Obesity – said that if HFCS consumption is a risk factor for diabetes, which is one of the most chronic diseases in the world, then it is important to reevaluate agricultural trade policies and change national dietary guidelines.
He also added that HFCS would be one of the ingredients to avoid, like salt and trans fats, and foods should come with warning labels.

Can Diabetics Drink Beer?
If you, or someone you care about, is diabetic there are likely many foods you question as to what impact they have on glucose levels. One thing you may not have considered is: can diabetics drink beer?
Many times the food diabetics eat is questioned and scrutinized, but the things they drink aren’t given a second thought. Do you find this is true for you?
If so read on and we will answer the question of can diabetics drink beer?
In short, the answer is yes. Each person is different but more than likely if your diabetes is under control, you can eat or drink most things in moderation.
However, with the question of can diabetics drink beer there is probably a different question you are really asking. Should diabetics drink beer?
Armed with a little information you will be able to determine this for yourself and your situation.
The big question, as always, is: how many carbs are in beer?
It varies from brand to brand and it’s not like you can just check the label and find the carb count of your favorite beer. Fortunately, there are tables online that show the carb counts of many beers.
Choose several and compare them to improve your chances of correct information.
To give you an idea: Busch Light has 3.2 grams of carbs per 12oz serving and I.C. Light has 2.8 grams, while Guinness has 14 grams of carbs and Kilarney’s has a whopping 22.8 grams.
So why the vast difference in carb counts among beers?
The fermentation process metabolizes the sugar in beer. The way the beer is crafted determines how much sugar is metabolized out through fermentation. So not all beers are created equal.
You must keep in mind, while consuming beer as a diabetic that while one or two beers may cause a rise in blood sugar excess amount of beer can actually cause your blood sugar to drop to dangerous levels.
So can diabetics drink beer? You and your doctor are the only ones that can answer that question for you. In combination with proper medication, a low-carb diet and exercise, the occasional beer is probably just fine. However, take into account the carb count and the effect that the amount of beer will have on your blood sugar. All things in moderation.

Diabetes Symptoms in Women
Diabetes defines a set of metabolic ailments in that are brought about by abnormally high or low blood sugar.
The body improperly produces, overly produces, or is unable to processing insulin. This imbalance creates many signs and symptoms that many often do not associate with diabetes. However, this disease process is nondiscriminatory and can affect anyone.
Before medical advances receiving the diagnosis of being diabetic was often considered a death sentence.
The good news is that between 1971 and 2000, the mortality rate for male with diabetics drastically decreased according to research published in The Annals of Internal Medicine.
This victory was a significant achievement, which reflected upon the progress made in diabetic management.
On the opposite end of the spectrum the mortality rate for females suffering from diabetes had zero signs of progress. Moreover, the variance in mortality rates between females who had been diagnosed as diabetic compared with those who were not diabetic doubled.
Research into male and female diabetics illuminated several potential explanations for the mortality rate difference between men and women.
5 Explanations for an increase in diabetic women
- A major symptom was cardiovascular problems and women were presumed to not suffer from these problems as much as men so were more likely to go undiagnosed.
- Diabetic complications in women were often misdiagnosed.
- Women suffer from different symptoms of cardiovascular problems.
- Hormones and inflammation act differently in women.
- There is a hormonal difference and inflammation response between women and men leading to misdiagnosis or a shrugging off of symptoms in women.
In recent years new studies have suggested that the previous progress made in regards to diabetic therapies and diagnosis has taken a significant back slide.
Current statistics from 2012 state that in the United States 13.4 million women as well as 15.5 million men have been diagnosed as diabetic. As a result there has been a shift in the mortality between males and females in that there has been an increase of type 2 diabetes among men.
International studies conducted by the World Health Organization in 2014, suggested that there were approximately 422 million adults living with diabetes.
These numbers had quadrupled since the 1980 report that stated the global diagnosis was at 108 million people. While men and women will experience many similar signs and symptoms of diabetes there are some that are unique to women alone.
With this in mind, gaining a good understanding of diabetic symptoms for either gender will help identify the possibility of diabetes, which will result in seeking early treatments and testing.
Many women experience the following signs:
A drastic increase of oral and vaginal yeast infections
Yeast infections are caused by the candida fungus can cause vaginal yeast infections, oral yeast infections, and vaginal thrush. These infections are common for many women and often result from a low immune system, stress, and diabetes.
When the infection progresses, symptoms often consist of itching, tenderness, vaginal discharge, and painful intercourse.
Oral yeast infections appear on the tongue and back of the throat and often resemble a while thick carpet covering the tongue and inside of the mouth.
Whether the infection is vaginal or oral they could be a result of high levels of glucose in the blood triggers.
Kidney and bladder infections
Diabetic women often suffer from an above average number of urinary tract infections, or UTI’s. UTIs progress when bacteria enters the urinary tract and will usually start within the bladder.
Urinary tract infections can cause excruciating urination, a burning sensation, and urine that is darker in color or not clear. If a UTI is left untreated, there is a risk of getting kidney infection and possibly kidney stones.
UTIs are common with diabetic’s due to having a decreased blood circulation coupled with the difficulty of white blood cells to travel to the infection site and kill fungal and bacterial infections.
Sexual Dysfunction
Many women experience a loss in sex drive due to hormonal imbalances and fluctuations. Further, diabetic neuropathy can actually damage nerve fibers that result in a loss of sexual satisfaction.
Often, if you are experiencing sexual dysfunction due to diabetic neuropathy you might also notice that you have been experiencing tingling and loss of feeling in different parts of the body, including the hands, feet, and legs.
This condition may will affect the sensation in the vaginal area and result in a reduced desire for intimacy.
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
This syndrome transpires when the adrenal gland yields a higher amount of male hormones like testosterone.
Clear indicators of polycystic ovary syndrome, or PCOS, consist of irregular menstrual cycles, abnormal weight gain, increased facial or body blemishes, and depression.
If left untreated this condition may cause infertility and resistance to insulin. The elevated blood sugar levels results in an increased risk of developing diabetes.
Symptoms experienced by both women and men
- Feeling abnormally thirsty and unable to quench your thirst
- An increase in appetite
- Frequent trips to the bathroom to urinate
- Weight loss or gain that has no obvious cause
- Tiredness
- Fuzzy vision
- Injuries that heal slowly
- Queasiness
- Skin infections
- Patches of darker skin in body folds
- Irritability
- Sweet smelling breath
- Consistent tingling sensations in hands or feet
- Many people with Type 2 Diabetes show no symptoms at all
Suggested steps to take in order to thwart diabetes, avoid its complications, and cope with symptoms.
Make Changes:
- Get regular exercise
- Eat a balanced diet
- Reduce stress when possible
- Take Medications which include insulin therapy, metformin, sulfonylureas to increase pancreatic insulin secretion, meglitinides to stimulate pancreatic insulin release
- Make lifestyle changes
- Avoid smoking cigarettes
- Avoid consuming alcohol
- Monitor your blood sugar
- Eat on a schedule and don’t skip meals
Alternative remedies:
- Take approved supplements
- Eat greener vegetables like peas and broccoli
Always consult with a medical doctor before implementing any new treatments, even if the treatment is natural. Even homeopathic or holistic remedies can hinder or complicate current treatments.

Blood Sugar High in the Morning
Daily MailAre your blood sugar levels too high? Scientists say you should turn down your central heating. It seems any constant temperature can cause problems — even when it involves chilly temperatures. Scientists at the National Yang-Ming University in Taiwan found that sleeping with the air conditioning on causes blood pressure to soar in the early …
Muscles ‘taste’ their way towards regulating blood sugar levels: Mice study –
Muscles ‘taste’ their way towards regulating blood sugar levels: Mice… taste sugar, too,” said senior study author Dr Jiandie Lin, a faculty member at University of Michigan Life Sciences Institute. Raised blood glucose levels post-meal is the main symptom of T2DM. Elevated high blood sugar levels long-term …
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What To Do When Blood Sugar Is High? when you don’t have enough insulin in your body, high bloo sugar can be high. There are several things that can cause increase blood sugar, such as: eat to much, miss taking your diabetes medicine, or even don’t get enough exercise. Visit here to learn what to do when blood sugar is high

Cinnamon and Blood Sugar
Cinnamon and Blood Sugar – Diabetes is disease where a person has blood sugar that is abnormally high.
If a person cannot control their blood sugar diabetes can lead to other health conditions including heart disease, kidney disease, and nerve disease.
Treatment for diabetes includes medication and insulin injections. There are some foods that can help to lower blood sugar levels.
One food that can help lower blood sugar levels is cinnamon. This is a spice that is used in both sweet and savory dishes. Cinnamon can be used to help control diabetes.
More about Cinnamon
Cinnamon is a spice that comes from the bark of the Cinnamomum tree. It is often used in breakfast cereals and sweets but it has been used for thousands of years in medicine.
To get the cinnamon the bark from the Cinnamomum tree needs to be removed. Once the bark is removed from the tree it needs to be dried. The drying will allow the bark to curl making a cinnamon stick. This can then be processed to powered cinnamon that is used for cooking.
Looking at the nutritional value of cinnamon it can be considered a superfood.
Cinnamon does not have a lot of vitamins or minerals but it contains a large amount of antioxidants.
Scientists studied cinnamon and compared it to 26 other herbs and spices. Cinnamon had the second highest amount of antioxidants and was second only to cloves.
Antioxidants help the body reduce stress, reduced damage to the cells, and fight off free radicals.
A study has shown that if a person consumes 500 mg of cinnamon a day for a 12 week period it can reduce stress in pre diabetic adults by as much as 14 percent. This is very importance since stress can lead to chromic disease including type 2 diabetes.
If a person has diabetes they are not able to produce enough insulin for the body to use or the cells in the body are not responding to the insulin. This can lead to high levels of blood sugar.
Cinnamon can help lower blood sugar levels and increase the transportation of glucose to the cells. It can also increase insulin sensitivity.
Cinnamon lowers blood sugar levels after meals
If a meal is high in carbs it can increase blood sugar levels rather quickly. This can lead to additional stress and inflammation and can damage the cells of the body.
Cinnamon can help stable out blood sugar levels. It may also slow the rate at which food is emptied from the stomach.
Lower the risk of complications
Cinnamon can lower the fasting blood sugar and decrease spikes in blood sugar after meals. It can lower the risk of complications from diabetes. Cinnamon may also lower the risk for heart disease.
Cinnamon has been shown to lower blood sugar levels and help control complications from diabetes. Cinnamon has many other health benefits as well.