Posts Tagged ‘blood sugar readings’

5 Ways to Control Your Blood Sugar Levels

Type II diabetes is the common type of diabetes that a lot of people suffer from. It’s what is otherwise known as the Adult Onset Diabetes. This happens when your body fails to efficiently utilize insulin.
Diabetes basically means that your blood glucose levels are higher than the normal level. Since your body fails to react to insulin properly, the glucose from the food that you ate will not be synthesized into energy which is needed by the cells in your body and instead, it stays in your bloodstream causing a high glucose levels in the blood. Overtime, when this problem is not addressed, it can lead to serious complications such as cardiovascular diseases, blindness, kidney failure, and problems with the nerves.
Ways to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes and Dips
Although there are medicines that can help alleviate the symptoms, it’s always better to have a blood sugar support plan ready at hand. The best way to avoid the blood glucose spikes and dips is by changing your lifestyle. Here are 7 ways you can do to control your blood sugar:
1. Eat Nuts

Nuts are known to have healthy fats and have an effect on slowing down the body’s glucose absorption.
2. Exercise Regularly
Exercising has a lot of benefits – including regulation of blood sugar levels. Regular exercise helps you lose weight and is effective in increasing the body’s insulin sensitivity.
3. Include a Few Servings of Veggies on Your Diet
Vegetables such as broccoli, cucumber, and carrots contain less starch and are rich in fiber. These foods are a helpful blood sugar support while giving your body extra nutrients.
4. Manage Stress
When the body undergoes stress, the hormones that are released by the brain can cause blood sugar to rise. Research shows that a few minutes of meditation can help lower the blood’s sugar level.
5. Drink Lots of Water
Drinking lots of water can help in cleansing the body of excess sugar through urine. It’s also important to avoid drinks that are rich in sugar when you have a high blood glucose level.
Along with these tips on how to keep a normal blood sugar level, taking supplements such as Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support can also help. Prevention is always better than cure so start taking baby steps to regulate your blood sugar level and avoid complications in the future.

Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Blood Sugar Level from Rising
Too high or too low sugar levels can lead to various complications and diseases. Usually when blood glucose is just a little bit over the border, mild symptoms could manifest. However, if it’s way above the normal level on a regular basis, you could have a chance developing a chronic disease. This is why recognizing the symptoms before it can develop into a full blown disease can be helpful in preventing the blood sugar from spiking up.
Hyperglycemia is the medical term used for when the person has a high blood sugar level. This happens when the body inefficiently uses insulin. And when insulin is not properly utilized, glucose (sugar naturally produced by the body and obtained from the food we eat) cannot be synthesized into a usable form of energy. As a result, a lot of this sugar stays within the bloodstream.
Ways to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Balanced
This is where blood sugar support comes in. Blood sugar support is needed to help the body regulate the glucose in the blood. Along with this, there are also other ways in which you can keep your blood sugar levels steady:
1. Spice up your meal

Cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, oregano, and other spices are good spice companions when you’re looking to decrease your blood sugar levels.
2. Add protein during meal time
The body tends to absorb proteins more slowly than any other food types. As a result, the bloodstream also absorbs glucose slowly. Proteins also help our satiety center satisfied for quite a while thereby reducing our sugar cravings.
3. Get Enough Rest and Sleep
Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night can help prevent blood glucose levels from rising. When you don’t get enough hours of a good night sleep, the tendency is that it makes it harder for glucose to work on cells causing them to stay in the bloodstream.
In order to notice a difference in your health, you would need to discipline yourself to do these blood sugar support tips and tricks. Start by incorporating one of these into your daily routine and your blood sugar levels will be as normal as it can be in no time.
If you’re not taking any supplements for blood sugar regulation, Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Supplements is made up of a mix of herbs such as cayenne, banaba, Gymnema sylvestre along with others that are great in helping your blood sugar level at bay.

Fasting Blood Sugar and Chart
Fasting Blood Sugar and Chart – There are different tests for testing Blood glucose – Random or Fasting Tests.
Fasting Blood Sugar Test
Fasting Blood Sugar test means that no food or drinks (except for water) be consumed eight hours before the actual test. It is better to schedule the fasting test in daytime or first thing in the morning so that fasting won’t be hard since you were already in a fasting state when you were asleep.
Random Blood Sugar Test
Unlike the fasting test, this test allows you to eat and drink even right before the glucose test.
More Common: Fasting Blood Sugar Test
The fasting test is more common since this test is said to get much more accurate results compared to the random glucose test. In addition, fasting glucose test is easier to interpret. Fasting Blood Sugar and Chart
It is important that before the test starts, inform your doctor about all the medications you have been taking, both prescription drugs, over-the-counter-drugs, and even supplements whether herbal or not. Your doctor might ask to pause from taking your medications or just to change the dose before the blood glucose test. This is important to get accurate results since there are medications that may affect the body’s blood glucose levels.
Here are certain Medications that may affect blood sugar levels:
- corticosteroids
- diuretics
- birth control pills
- hormone therapy
- aspirin (Bufferin)
- antipsychotics
- lithium
- epinephrine (Adrenalin)
- tricyclic antidepressants
- monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
- ·phenytoin
- sulfonylurea medications
Blood sugar levels increases when a person gets stress from certain circumstances such as:
- surgery
- trauma
- stroke
- heart attack
You should tell your doctor if you’ve recently had any of these.
What happens during a Blood Sugar Test?
Blood sample is taken by using a device that merely pricks a finger to get that small blood sample. In other tests, blood from a mere prick is not enough that is why doctors would collect blood directly from a vein.
1. Before collecting the blood sample, the nurse/healthworker in charge would first clean the area where the blood is taken from, usually by wiping the area with cotton with alcohol to kill germs.
2. Second step uses a method that makes a vein visible. Usually, this method uses an elastic band to wrap around the upper arm. Once the vein is visible enough, a sterile needle will be inserted to collect the blood. It is important to relax your arm to reduce the moderate pain from the needle.
3. After collecting the blood, the nurse/healthworker removes the needle and covers up the skin with a band-aid.
4. The blood sample is then transferred to the laboratory to be tested. Fasting Blood Sugar and Chart
5. When the results are ready, the doctor will then discuss what’s in the result.
What are the Possible risks associated with a blood sugar test?
There is very little chance that people who get their blood tested develop health problems. Although the chances are very little, it is not definitely zero percent. Fasting Blood Sugar and Chart There are possible risks such as:
- multiple puncture wounds if it’s difficult to find a vein
- excessive bleeding
- lightheadedness or fainting
- hematoma, or blood collecting under your skin
- infection
Results of Blood Glucose tests
Normal Blood Test Results
The results depend on whether the test was the Fasting Blood Sugar test or the Random Blood Glucose Test. For the fasting blood sugar test, normal levels is between 70mg per deciliter and 100 mg per deciliter (mg/dL). On the other hand, the random blood sugar test levels are usually under 125mg per deciliter. However, the exact levels will still depend on what you ate last. Fasting Blood Sugar and Chart
Abnormal Blood Test Results
Again, the results depend on whether the test was the Fasting Blood Sugar test or the Random Blood Glucose Test. For the fasting blood sugar test, the results listed below will indicate whether there are signs of prediabetes or diabetes:
- A blood glucose level of 100–125 mg/dL indicates that you have prediabetes.
- A blood glucose level of 126 mg/dL and higher indicates that you have diabetes.
On the other hand, the random blood sugar test levels the results listed below will indicate whether there are signs of prediabetes or diabetes:
- A blood glucose level of 140–199 mg/dL indicates that you may have prediabetes.
- A blood glucose level of 200 mg/dL and higher indicates that you likely have diabetes.
If your random blood glucose test results are abnormal, your doctor will probably order a fasting blood glucose test to confirm the diagnosis or another test such as an Hgba1c.

Blood Sugar Regulation
Blood sugar regulation is the process by which blood sugar is maintained by the body.
Here are some recent discussions on this topic:
Originally from :
Is it Blood Sugar?
I am amazed how many times blood sugar dys-regulation, the inability for our bodies to properly regulate our blood sugar levels, is one of the most significant factors or drivers in the patients we see! If we got together with a group of friends, we would likely find three or four reactive hypoglycemics, five with insulin resistance, two pre-diabetics and a few with diabetes. While the particulars of these diagnosis are not important for this discussion, what is important is people with blood sugar issues are literally everywhere!
Originally from :
Swiss Chard the Blood Sugar Regulation
The reason Swiss Chard is so colorful is because it is one of the most antioxidant-rich foods on the planet. Swiss Chard is an excellent source of nutrition that includes a lot of vitamins and minerals.
It contains syringic acid which help to regulate blood sugar levels. If you have been diagnosed with diabetes, you should drink the juice of Swiss Chard.
Originally from :
Natural Herbal Support
When it comes to natural remedies to promote healthy blood sugar, each of cinnamon and blueberry leaf are irrevocably linked as go-to herbal support. As natural supplements, the connection between cinnamon and blood sugar as well as blueberry and blood sugar is not scientifically proven. Yet, thousands of people consume them daily to maintain health blood sugar already in the normal range successfully each year with tasty results.
Originally from :
Blood Sugar Regulation
Stress and trauma send our bodies out of regulation. When under these conditions our bodies will react in certain ways including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, migraines, seizures, addictions, and other neurological problems. All people respond in different ways based on their genetics and surroundings. One of the main reasons for these common conditions is unregulated blood sugar levels.
When you know you are under stress, be aware of sugar and carbohydrate cravings, sugar intake, and carbohydrate intake because eating these foods will only make the stress worse. Concentrating on increasing proteins and fats, adding B vitamins and decreasing high glycemic foods and sugars can help stabilize adrenals and hormone regulation.