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Rooibos Tea Health Benefits

Five health benefits of Rooibos tea

(red tea)

rooibos tea benefits

1. Studies conducted on rooibos tea effects found that the polyphenol aspalathin present in the rooibos tea leaves helps regulate type 2 diabetes symptoms by fighting insulin resistance and balancing blood sugar levels. It would be correct to say that rooibos tea benefits diabetes.

2. Rooibos tea benefits diabetic people at risk of heart disease by being high in antioxidants, which is excellent for the heart because it boosts heart health and fights body inflammation. It is a perfect substitute for caffeinated drinks, known to cause heart palpitations and other illnesses.

3. The high antioxidants in rooibos tea help boost weight loss by speeding up the metabolism and burning body calories. Maintaining a good weight is beneficial to keep diabetes at bay. It also helps maintain a sound digestive system by easing gastric issues like diarrhea.

Rooibos Tea

4. Rooibos tea benefits the body through its antibacterial properties by boosting immunity, especially during cold and winter seasons. Rooibos tea is especially beneficial to people with diabetes since it will increase their immunity, which is low due to the disease.

5. The polyphenol in rooibos tea benefits diabetic people with skin disorders by boosting skin health through its anti-aging properties and antibacterial abilities to help keep skin disorders at bay.

Rooibos tea can be found and purchased in grocery stores and online stores for those who can’t find it in their local stores. Rooibos tea has no known side effects due to its herbal nature; however, it is advisable to check with a nutritionist for people suffering from the chronic liver disease before adding to the diet.


What are the Best Fruits for Diabetes Type 2

Having diabetes type 2 changes everything. It stops you from enjoying the same things that everyone else takes for granted, like drinking a glass of wine or eating a piece of cake. And while there are many health benefits to taking care of yourself by avoiding sugar, your doctor might not be satisfied with just cutting out sugar and carbs.

If you struggle with processing sugars in your body just like so many people do, you might want to consider adding some fruits to help balance out your blood sugar levels. According to the American Diabetes Association, fruits contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals that can help you manage your diabetes levels. Here is their list of the best fruits for people with diabetes with type 2 and how they help:

1. Berries for a refreshing treat and disease-fighting antioxidants

10 best fruits for diabetics

Berries are a perfect snack for people with diabetes. Berries contain fiber and antioxidants, but they also pack a powerful punch of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin C, vitamin K, magnesium, and manganese. A cup of raspberries, blackberries, or blueberries contains about 6 grams of fiber, and it is recommended to have this amount of fiber each day. Berries are also very high in water content, making them hydrating for people with diabetes.

2. Tart cherries help fight inflammation

Tart cherries are among the best fruits for people with diabetes because they contain many anthocyanins. Anthocyanins have been shown to reduce inflammation by reducing cytokines and proteins that cause inflammation, preventing LDL cholesterol from oxidizing and inflaming blood vessels. Tart cherries also contain potassium, vitamin K, fiber, and magnesium, which all help manage blood sugar levels in your body.

3. Peaches for metabolism-boosting potassium

Peaches are a very healthy snack because they taste great and are loaded with vitamin C. Vitamin C also helps your body increase insulin sensitivity, preventing it from damaging sugar molecules. Peaches also have potassium, fiber, calcium, and manganese, which help your body manage blood sugar levels.

best food for diabetics

4. Apricots for a scrumptious, fiber-rich bite

Apricots are a great snack because they are full of fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and antioxidants. Fiber is essential for people with diabetes because it can help keep you feeling full and prevent sugar spikes in your body. Fiber also slows down digestion and keeps blood sugar levels balanced. A cup of apricots contains 7 grams of fiber which is a perfect amount to consume each day to improve your health.

5. Apples for a quick fibrous and vitamin C rich snack

Apples are an excellent snack for people with diabetes because they are high in vitamin C. Your body needs vitamin C to produce collagen, which helps keep your blood vessels healthy. Vitamin C also assists in insulin production and prevents oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can cause damage to your blood vessels. A medium-sized apple contains 2 grams of fiber which is an excellent snack for people with diabetes.

6. Oranges for a juicy source of vitamin C

Oranges are an excellent snack for people with diabetes because they are high in vitamin C. Vitamin C helps your blood vessels remain healthy and prevents them from becoming inflamed. Vitamin C also assists in insulin production and prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can cause damage to your blood vessels. Vitamin C makes oranges a great snack because it will help you fight inflammation and reduce the risk of heart disease.

7. Pears for easy snacking, vitamin K and fiber

Pears are an excellent snack for people with diabetes because they help prevent your body from inflaming. Vitamin K is a powerful antioxidant that helps regulate inflammation in your body.

If you are having trouble preventing inflammation, add pears to your diet to keep yourself feeling healthy and energetic. A cup of pears contains 5 grams of fiber, giving you a great slow-burning fuel source to keep your stomach feeling full and help control your blood sugar levels.

8. Zesty Green Kiwi for Potassium fiber and vitamin C

best fruits for diabetics

Zesty green Kiwis are an excellent snack for people with diabetes because they contain vitamin C, fiber, and potassium. Vitamin C helps prevent your blood vessels from becoming inflamed, which can cause oxidative damage, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol levels.

Fiber is essential for people with diabetes because it can help keep you feeling full and prevent sugar spikes in your body. Potassium is also necessary for your body because it helps regulate blood pressure and cholesterol levels and prevents diabetes from affecting you.

9. Plums for a healthy dose of fiber and manganese

Plums are an excellent choice for people with diabetes because they are high in fiber and vitamin C. Fiber is essential for people with diabetes because it can help keep you feeling full and prevent sugar spikes in your body. Plums also have vitamin K, magnesium, folate, potassium, and vitamin A. Plums are an excellent fuel source to keep you energized throughout the day.

10. Grapefruits for the antioxidant-rich and vitamin C

Grapefruits are an excellent choice for people with diabetes because they are high in antioxidants and vitamin C. Antioxidants help your body fight free radicals, which can cause damage to cells. Vitamin C is also essential for a healthy immune system, blood vessels, and muscles because it prevents the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, which can cause damage to your blood vessels.

Benefits of Fruits for Diabetics

Consumption of fiber helps keep your blood sugar levels under control and boost your metabolism. Fruits are not only energizing, but they are a good source of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that can help fight diseases and keep you healthy.

Fruits are low in calories, processed sugars, sodium, and saturated fats, making them a healthy alternative to junk food. Obesity contributes to diabetes type 2, so it is essential to control your calories and sugars.



Fruits are the perfect snack for people with type 2 diabetes because they can boost your metabolism, promote healthy blood sugar levels and fight diseases.

Fruits are tasty and have health benefits that can help lower your risk of type 2 diabetes. If you are having a hard time losing weight, just like so many people do, switching to a fruit snack could be the answer for you. Try fruits other than bananas and apples, such as blue, purple, and red fruits like berries with low sugar content.


What Kind of Pasta can a Diabetic Eat?

Pasta is synonymous with convenience, which can be a dirty word for nutrition. And if you have type 2 diabetes, you may have heard that you need to avoid this product. But if you love pasta and want to make a few changes to your cooking tips, you may not need to say goodbye to this paid dish.

Although pasta has more carbohydrates than some other foods, it can fit into a healthy diabetic meal plan. People with type 2 diabetes who ate 50 grams of pasta had lower blood sugar levels than those who ate equal portions of white bread, potatoes, or rice. You need to monitor your portion sizes and cook this dish carefully, like limiting certain toppings and additives.

Innovative steps like these can help keep your blood sugar levels, weight, general health, and nutrition on track. Diabetes educators share their strategies for making pasta as safe as possible for diabetes.

Make vegetables the star of your bowl.

pasta diabetic recipe

To make onions safer for people with diabetes, add color—apart from vegetables with this peculiarity, focusing a pasta dish on naturally low-calorie non-starchy vegetables increases food intake and adds vitamins and minerals.

Non-starchy vegetables are very high in fiber and very low in carbohydrates, which means less impact on blood sugar levels. It’s a good idea to fill about half a plate or an onion with options like cabbage, watercress, collard greens, broccoli, spinach, carrots, asparagus, and cucumbers, or mushrooms.

Use whole-grain pasta

Replace traditional pasta with high-fiber noodles. Whole-grain pasta is the best because it contains more fiber, which can help ease high blood sugar. According to Bob’s Red Mill, many typical white kinds of pasta are made from semolina flour, which is caused by grinding a variety of wheat known as durum wheat. While semolina can be a nutritious flour, significantly, when it’s fortified with vitamins and minerals from whole-grain pasta, it has a slight advantage.

Try the vegan pasta

If you’re intolerant of wheat or want to reduce your pasta dish’s carbs, try making vegan pasta even more. If you don’t have a spiralizer or mandolin—which are both kitchen utensils used to manually spiral food into a spiral—you can use a vegetable peeler. Take the soaked vegetable slices and place them in boiling water for 20 seconds, then transfer the noodles to a bowl of ice.

As long as they’re not made with pumpkin or starchy sweet potatoes, vegan snails are the lowest-carb option. In addition, vegetarian pasta is usually lower in calories but still rich in vitamins and minerals.

One cup of boiled zucchini, for example, contains only 27 calories and 5 grams of carbs, while one cup of cooked whole-grain Barilla pasta has 180 calories and 39 grams of carbs. The same serving of zucchini contains 23.2 mg of vitamin C, making it an excellent source, and 476 mg of potassium, making it a good start. Sweet peppers, broccoli, carrots, and beets are other low-carb vegan pasta options.

diabetic pasta substitute

Top off the creamy sauce with butter

As with other “white” foods, ditch the white sauce when preparing foods that increase diabetes. Traditional cream-based spices tend to be higher in saturated fat and sodium than other options.

People with diabetes are more likely to develop heart disease, so choosing heart-healthy foods low in sodium and fat is essential. Foods rich in saturated fats can raise blood cholesterol levels, increasing the risk of heart disease and stroke. Meanwhile, excess sodium in your diet can increase your risk of developing high blood pressure, a significant risk factor for heart disease. It is good to choose sauces based on olive oil and fresh garlic, which are suitable for heart health.

Remember: olive oil contains healthy fats, but is still high in calories, so be sure to control your portions. Smithson suggests using ½ cup of olive oil and 4 to 5 cloves of garlic for every pound of cooked pasta. Spread the sauce evenly over each serving of pasta. Stick to a serving size of one-half to three-quarters of a cup. When shopping for packaged red sauce, choose a jar with no added sugar and ideally no more than 15 grams of carbohydrates and 140 milligrams (mg) of sodium per serving perf-cup.

Practice quantity control

diabetic pasta substitute

Keeping portion sizes in mind is key to enjoying pasta when fighting type 2 diabetes. The goal is to keep your blood sugar very high. Portions of food, especially in restaurants, are much more prominent today than 20 years ago. Several studies have shown that people eat more food when they are given large portions and that they help themselves to eat more when they have large onions served in by the spoonful.

It is essential to include other food groups and controlled amounts when eating pasta. The exact amount of carbohydrates to target depends on age, gender, activity level, and any medications you’re taking. As a general rule, people with diabetes should consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates per serving.

Reduce cheese consumption

Macaroni and cheese are a dynamic duo. And while people with diabetes don’t have to say goodbye to this tasty ingredient, moderation and choosing the right kind are vital to keeping onions healthy. Doing part control here can be edited.

According to the CDC, one serving of cheese weighs only one ounce, or about the length of your thumb from tip to base. Do your best to choose this thumb-sized meal. As for diabetes-safe cheeses, choose white cheeses like mozzarella or parmesan, which are lower in fat and calories than other options.

Include lean protein

By pairing your protein source with a carbohydrate meal like pasta, you can avoid sudden spikes in blood sugar levels. Protein digestion is slowly than carbohydrates. Plus, adding protein will make the pasta more filling, which may prevent you from overloading the carbs on your plate.

which pasta is better for diabetics

Choose a lean source of protein, such as skinless fried chicken and ground turkey. These foods tend to be lower in saturated fat and sodium than red meat or processed meats like bacon.


Pasta is a rich source of grains and carbohydrates and is part of a nutritious diet that provides the essential vitamins, minerals, and phytonutrients that the human body needs. Most international dietary guidelines recommend that 65% of your calories per day come from carbohydrates as part of a balanced diet. In addition to being a significant source of carbohydrates, pasta is also beneficial.

It is commonly eaten with nutrient-rich foods such as fiber-rich vegetables and beans, high-protein meats, cheese, monounsaturated oils, and tomato sauce. Antioxidants. This makes pasta bowls an excellent delivery system for highly nutritious meals.


Controlling Diabetes with Diet

Controlling Diabetes with Diet – With a healthy diet and with regular exercise, diabetes can be controlled in a way that it won’t get any worse. Maintaining normal blood sugar levels can lessen the risk of having severe diabetes.

Controlling Diabetes with Diet, how? Here are a few general things you need to balance to have and maintain normal blood glucose levels:

  • Taking prescribed medication for Diabetes
  • Eating the right kind of food
  • Doing regular exercise or any physical activity

Being able to manage these three basic things will definitely help achieve the optimal blood glucose levels.

What are Carbohydrates?

What is the role or what is the purpose of carbohydrates? Well, carbohydrates are the main source of energy for our body. About half of our daily calorie intake should have carbohydrates to have enough energy to get through the day.

What different food that are carbohydrates? These following carbohydrates break down into sugar in our blood:

  • Bread
  • Grains
  • Starchy Veggies
  • Fruits
  • Dairy Products
  • Sweets

Once the carbohydrates are broken down to sugar, the sugar gets stored and is as energy for the body. The presence of insulin is important in transporting the sugar to reach its designated storage area. Having too little insulin in the body will result in having high blood sugar levels. Controlling diabetes with diet is one of many ways to help reduce the risk of having severe diabetes.

Controlling Diabetes with Diet

Counting Carbohydrates? How does it work? Controlling Diabetes with Diet

Carb-counting (Carbohydrate counting) is the method of literally counting the amount of carbohydrates from the food or drinks you consume. Controlling diabetes with diet would include controlling how much carbohydrates you put in your body by distributing the amount evenly over your meals.

How do you know the amount of carbohydrates in your food or drink?

It is most probably listed on food labels at the back of the food packaging or it can be easily searched from the internet. It is better to read the labels including the serving size.

An example is 1 slice of toasted bread, with 1 teaspoon of peanutbutter, half of a regular sized banana, and 1 cup of regular milk is equivalent to three (3) carbohydrate servings or forty-five (45g) grams of carbs. (1 serving = 15 grams of carbohydrates)

Though google may provide a general idea of the amount of carbs in the food / drink you eat, having a registered dietitian by your side is definitely a bonus. A dietitian will help you with controlling diabetes with diet.

Are there Good and Bad carbohydrates?

The better carbs are those with a higher amount of fiber in them. Several research shows that getting right amounts of fiber regularly is beneficial for our health.

Fiber is a type of carbohydrate wherein fiber-rich foods will generally have more nutrients for the body. That explains why fiber is not in meat, fat and not even in dairy products. The following are examples of carbs with fiber are the following:

  • Whole grain bread
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Whole grain pasta
  • Brown Rice
  • Barley
  • Beans and Lentils

Fruits are also a great source of fiber. It is suggested that some fruits be eaten with their skin on. However, don’t forget to wash them. Fresh fruits and vegetables will always be better than canned ones. Less processed would mean more fiber.

Controlling Diabetes with Diet

What does Regular Exercise mean?

Controlling diabetes with diet would not only mean the regulation of food intake but also the amount of physical activity you do daily. With regular exercise (which would mean any physical activity such as dancing, home workouts, walking, gardening, etc), the following benefits will be achieved:

  • Insulin Sensitivity Increases
  • Promotes Healthy Bones
  • Promotes healthy weight
  • Improves Sleep
  • Help lower blood glucose levels

It is always best to check with your doctor!

Controlling Diabetes with Diet


5 Ways to Control Your Blood Sugar Levels

blood sugar support

Type II diabetes is the common type of diabetes that a lot of people suffer from. It’s what is otherwise known as the Adult Onset Diabetes. This happens when your body fails to efficiently utilize insulin.

Diabetes basically means that your blood glucose levels are higher than the normal level. Since your body fails to react to insulin properly, the glucose from the food that you ate will not be synthesized into energy which is needed by the cells in your body and instead, it stays in your bloodstream causing a high glucose levels in the blood. Overtime, when this problem is not addressed, it can lead to serious complications such as cardiovascular diseases, blindness, kidney failure, and problems with the nerves.

Ways to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes and Dips

Although there are medicines that can help alleviate the symptoms, it’s always better to have a blood sugar support plan ready at hand. The best way to avoid the blood glucose spikes and dips is by changing your lifestyle. Here are 7 ways you can do to control your blood sugar:

1. Eat Nuts

blood sugar support

Nuts are known to have healthy fats and have an effect on slowing down the body’s glucose absorption.

2. Exercise Regularly

Exercising has a lot of benefits – including regulation of blood sugar levels. Regular exercise helps you lose weight and is effective in increasing the body’s insulin sensitivity.

3. Include a Few Servings of Veggies on Your Diet

Vegetables such as broccoli, cucumber, and carrots contain less starch and are rich in fiber. These foods are a helpful blood sugar support while giving your body extra nutrients.

4. Manage Stress

When the body undergoes stress, the hormones that are released by the brain can cause blood sugar to rise. Research shows that a few minutes of meditation can help lower the blood’s sugar level.

5. Drink Lots of Water

Drinking lots of water can help in cleansing the body of excess sugar through urine. It’s also important to avoid drinks that are rich in sugar when you have a high blood glucose level.

Along with these tips on how to keep a normal blood sugar level, taking supplements such as Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support can also help. Prevention is always better than cure so start taking baby steps to regulate your blood sugar level and avoid complications in the future.


Tips and Tricks to Keep Your Blood Sugar Level from Rising

blood sugar support

Too high or too low sugar levels can lead to various complications and diseases. Usually when blood glucose is just a little bit over the border, mild symptoms could manifest. However, if it’s way above the normal level on a regular basis, you could have a chance developing a chronic disease. This is why recognizing the symptoms before it can develop into a full blown disease can be helpful in preventing the blood sugar from spiking up.

Hyperglycemia is the medical term used for when the person has a high blood sugar level. This happens when the body inefficiently uses insulin. And when insulin is not properly utilized, glucose (sugar naturally produced by the body and obtained from the food we eat) cannot be synthesized into a usable form of energy. As a result, a lot of this sugar stays within the bloodstream.

Ways to Keep Blood Sugar Levels Balanced

This is where blood sugar support comes in. Blood sugar support is needed to help the body regulate the glucose in the blood. Along with this, there are also other ways in which you can keep your blood sugar levels steady:

1. Spice up your meal

blood sugar support

Cinnamon, cloves, rosemary, oregano, and other spices are good spice companions when you’re looking to decrease your blood sugar levels.

2. Add protein during meal time

The body tends to absorb proteins more slowly than any other food types. As a result, the bloodstream also absorbs glucose slowly. Proteins also help our satiety center satisfied for quite a while thereby reducing our sugar cravings.

3. Get Enough Rest and Sleep

Getting the recommended eight hours of sleep each night can help prevent blood glucose levels from rising. When you don’t get enough hours of a good night sleep, the tendency is that it makes it harder for glucose to work on cells causing them to stay in the bloodstream.

In order to notice a difference in your health, you would need to discipline yourself to do these blood sugar support tips and tricks. Start by incorporating one of these into your daily routine and your blood sugar levels will be as normal as it can be in no time.

If you’re not taking any supplements for blood sugar regulation, Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Supplements is made up of a mix of herbs such as cayenne, banaba, Gymnema sylvestre along with others that are great in helping your blood sugar level at bay.


Most Effective Tips to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes

Diabetes Supplements – The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that as of today, there are an  Diabetes-Supplementsestimated number of 30.1 million are suffering from diabetes and 84.1 million have prediabetes. Although the numbers remain steady, the United States still considers this disease to be a growing health problem. With the current statistics, there’s no denying that the need diabetes supplements are increasing.

Blood sugar spikes can happen when the blood sugar in the body rises then falls as fast after meals. As a result, the body cannot effectively utilize the sugar. Without intervention, these constant spikes could eventually lead to type II diabetes.

Most Effective Tips to Avoid Blood Sugar Spikes

There are, however, ways in which we can prevent blood sugar spikes from happening. Let’s look at some of them:

1. Switch to a Low Carb Diet

Carbohydrates are the number 1 culprit in increased blood sugar in the body. Studies have shown that a low carb diet can help a person lose weight and weight loss in turn, can help prevent blood sugar spikes.

2. Eat More Fruits and Veggies.

Fruits and vegetables can be a great alternative carbohydrate source. They are also rich in fiber which slows down carbohydrate break down thereby preventing blood sugar spikes.

Diabetes-Supplements3. Cut off Sugar Intake

An average American consumes about 22 teaspoons of sugar every day. While some may be the normal table sugar, most of it comes from artificial sugar.

4. Consider Incorporating Spices in Your Diet

Cinnamon is known to be effective in regulating blood sugar levels by 3-5% which makes it an important ingredient in many diabetes supplements. It’s important to remember that although this is a good spice for diabetes, you must go easy on it.

Diabetes supplements are extremely important in stabilizing the blood sugar levels in the body. Manage your blood sugar with the help of natural blood sugar support supplements such as Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support Supplements. Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support utilizes the power of twenty (20) synergistic ingredients to provide one of the most comprehensive, potent blood sugar regulator & stabilizer products available today. It also effectively supports weight loss & cardiovascular health. Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support is packed with vitamins and minerals needed by every person with diabetes. Along with exercise and proper diet, every diabetic person can expect blood sugar spikes to happen rarely.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Ways to Maintain Your Blood Sugar Level on Normal Range

Blood sugar plays an important role in our body. They basically provide our body’s cells with energy. Without blood sugar, we simply blood sugar supportcouldn’t function.

However, though blood sugar keeps us going, too much or too little of it in our blood could be a bad thing. Diabetes is characterized by the body’s inability to respond to the hormone insulin which results in high levels of sugar in the bloodstream. This is why having blood sugar support is an important part of blood sugar regulation.

Elevated blood sugar levels, when left without treatment, could potentially lead to full blown diabetes which as a matter of fact affects at least 1 in 3 people in the United States according to the statistics. Even people without a history of diabetes in their family have a chance of developing one without blood sugar management.

Ways to Help Manage Blood Sugar

So what can you do to maintain your blood sugar to normal range? Here’s a list of changes you should take into consideration to help manage your blood sugar:

– Reduce Carbohydrate Intake

Carbohydrates are rich in sugar – especially refined carbohydrates. This type of food has the ability to spike up the blood sugar levels. The next time you go shopping, be sure to check out the ingredients section carefully since sugars may be listed under a different name (fructose, raw honey, dextrose, etc.).

blood sugar support

– Drink less Soda and Juice

Soda and processed juices are rich in sugar. If you are at the prediabetic stage, it’s best to avoid these drinks and just replace them with water.

– Avoid Processed Food.

There’s no doubt that processed food are bad for our health – especially when you have diabetes. Processed foods such as junk foods and other snacks have high calories but less nutritional values thereby could help you gain weight more rapidly which is usually common among diabetic people.

– Go With Foods with Low Glycemic Index

Foods that have low glycemic index include berries, vegetables, legumes and nuts. These foods release energy gradually into the bloodstream.

There are a lot of ways in which you can help regulate your blood sugar but the most important part blood sugar support is getting enough rest and exercise as it can help balance out the hormones in the body.

Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support Supplements may also help with blood sugar regulation. These are made from a wide range of ingredients that are known to help manage blood sugar in the body. Health is wealth which is why we should all strive hard to prevent ailments from pinning us down.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

Blood Sugar Support & Ways that will Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Do you have prediabetes? Diabetes? Or metabolic syndrome? Then it must be difficult and quote a challenge for you to maintain normal blood sugar levels. Blood sugar is the concentration of glucose in the blood that is derived from the food you eat. It is the main source of energy that blood carries to all cells of your body. Blood sugar levels fluctuates depending on the food we eat.  Too high or too low blood sugar can make you sick.

An unhealthy diet nowadays often is the main cause of unstable blood sugar level like processed foods, carbohydrates and sugar. However, there are helpful ways in balancing and maintaining normal blood sugar levels in our body.

Ways that will Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels

blood sugar supportHere are natural ways for blood sugar support:

1. Have A healthy Diet. Try balancing out your diet by eating foods that have protein, fiber, healthy fats. These can help slow down sugar absorption into your bloodstream so that you wont have much sugar cravings. A healthy diet also helps your metabolism and digestive system to work properly.

2Have Regular Exercise. Exercising regularly is proven to have an amazing impact on your health. According to diabetes experts, exercising can help manage blood sugar. Exercising long-term will make your cells even more responsive to insulin and help in its prevention. It is recommended to at least 30 minutes a day, at least 3 times a week.

3. Manage stress and Get enough rest. Too much stress can make your blood sugar levels to ise up and release cortisol (a stress hormone.) when you’re stressed, you get cravings for comfort foods and often these are junk foods. Dealing with stress and getting enough rest can help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Following these easy tips and adding natural blood sugar support supplements such as Lally Naturals Blood Sugar Support can help improve and stabilize your blood sugar. It is therefore good to take time to work on improving your health and be conscious of your diet.

Blood Sugar Support & Ways that will Help Maintain Normal Blood Sugar Levels


The Best Vitamins for Diabetes

Why Vitamins are Important for Diabetics

Vitamins are important to the body because they help in improving the inner workings of our entire system. For diabetic-vitaminsinstance, they are able to help in bone healing as well as boost our immune system. They also help in converting sugar into an energy which fuels the cells in our body.

The essential nutrients that vitamins provide are especially important in people who are suffering from diabetes. Since diabetes is associated with high glucose levels in the blood, the body will try to keep up by washing the excess out through urine. This is the reason why diabetic people frequently go to the bathroom.

Constant washing out of excess glucose may also lead to washing out of some essential nutrients in the body which in turn, affects the ability of the body to control the sugar in the bloodstream properly. In order for the body to be able to carry out its normal functions, it needs to have a steady source of essential nutrients, and this is exactly why diabetic vitamins are important.

Essential Vitamins Diabetics Need


Studies have shown that biotin has some effect on diabetes control. This is one of the diabetic vitamins that is known to be lower in people with type 2 diabetes. People who take biotin on a regular basis have shown to have improved the activities of the enzymes, specifically glucokinase, that has an effect in regulating blood sugar levels.

Another study by Japanese researchers also found that biotin can help in repressing glucose producing genes through an insulin-signalling independent pathway.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is another diabetic vitamin that helps in coping up with the complications that are associated with diabetes. Diabetes can cause the DNA and cells in the body to become damaged. Vitamin C, on the other hand, helps in preventing oxidative damage in the body, thereby preventing this from happening. It also helps preventing blood vessel damage.

diabetic-vitaminsBroccoli, cauliflower, oranges, and lemons are a few sources of vitamin C. Adding these to your diet may help you get the adequate vitamin C needed.

Vitamin D

One of the vitamins every diabetic should take is a fat soluble one. Vitamin D is one of them. Vitamin D is known to have some effect in helping decrease the risk of obesity and insulin resistance. It’s known to be produced by the body as a response to sun exposure.

Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of diabetic vitamins. Incorporating a few servings of these in your meals would help you get the vitamins you need to combat diabetes. As an alternative, Lally Naturals Blood Support Supplements can also be of help when it comes to sugar regulation and in controlling the symptoms of diabetes such as fatigue, brain fog, irritability, and other symptoms. Take it as per the directions of your medical practitioner.Facebooktwitterredditpinterestlinkedinmail

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