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Can Diabetics Eat Bananas?

Health Benefits of Bananas

In moderation, as part of a healthy, tailored diet plan, bananas are a fruit that individuals with diabetes can eat that is both safe and nutritious. A diabetic should include items from the plant kingdom in their diets, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. Bananas are a great source of nourishment without being calorie-dense.

The healthiest, most practical, tastiest, and least expensive fresh fruit you can purchase is the banana. They are therefore a fantastic option for anyone who wants to eat healthily.

Despite being native to Southeast Asia, they can be found anywhere due to their widespread ability to flourish in warm environments. The Cavendish cultivar, which is the most typical kind seen in supermarkets, begins stiff and green but ripens to golden, soft, and sweet. Additionally, bananas are a good source of several nutrients that are good for digestion, heart health, and weight loss.


Nutritional Information of Bananas

In addition to numerous antioxidants, bananas have a good quantity of fiber.

Additionally, one regular-sized banana (126 grams) provides the following benefits:

  • Calories: 112
  • Fat: 0
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Carbs: 28 grams
  • Fiber: 3 grams
  • Vitamin C: 12% of the Daily Value (DV)
  • Riboflavin: 7% of the DV
  • Folate: 6% of the DV
  • Niacin: 5% of the DV
  • Copper: 11% of the DV
  • Potassium: 10% of the DV
  • Magnesium: 8% of the DV

The 12 calories in one banana are virtually entirely from water and carbohydrates. They contain no fat and very little protein.

The majority of the carbohydrates in green, unripe bananas take the form of resistant starch, an indigestible fiber that we’ll discuss shortly. The fruit’s flavor gets sweeter and its fiber content decreases as it ripens.

Benefits Of Bananas to Diabetics

nutrition info of banana

Bananas may improve blood sugar levels

Soluble fiber is abundant in bananas. Soluble fiber creates a gel when it dissolves in liquid during digestion. It is also responsible for the sponge-like feel of bananas.

Additionally, resistant starch, which your body cannot digest, is present in unripe bananas. These two forms of fiber may work together to lower your blood sugar levels after eating. Additionally, they could control your hunger by delaying stomach emptying.

This indicates that despite having more carbs than other fruits, bananas won’t significantly raise blood sugar levels in healthy people. Although persons with diabetes can eat bananas, it is not advisable to eat a lot of them at once.

May Support Digestive Health

Improved digestion is one of the many health advantages of dietary fiber. The amount of fiber in one medium-sized banana is roughly 3 grams. The fiber found in unripe bananas, resistant starch, is also prebiotic. Prebiotics are able to evade digestion and make their way to the large intestine, where they feed the good bacteria in your stomach.

Additionally, the fiber pectin, which is present in both ripe and unripe bananas, may aid in preventing constipation and softening stools. Pectin has even been linked to studies in test tubes that suggest it may help prevent colon cancer, although human studies are still needed to validate this advantage.

May Aid Weight Loss

Bananas have not been directly studied for their benefits on weight loss. However, there are a few qualities in this well-known fruit that could help with weight loss. First off, there aren’t many calories in bananas. Despite having just over 100 calories on average, a banana is healthy and satisfying.

More fiber from fruits and vegetables has been frequently related to reduced body weight and weight loss. Unripe bananas are also loaded with resistant starch, which makes them full and helps you feel less hungry. If you want to eat unripe bananas, try preparing them the same way you would plantains.

May Support Heart Health

A key mineral for maintaining heart function and controlling blood pressure is potassium. Even though potassium is crucial, few people consume enough of it daily. With a medium-sized banana (126 grams) containing 10% of the DV, bananas are a convenient and excellent source of potassium.

bananas and diabetes

Your blood pressure can be lowered by eating a diet high in potassium. Additionally, persons who consume a lot of potassium had a 27% decreased risk of developing heart disease, according to earlier studies and experiments on animals.

Furthermore, bananas provide 8% of the Daily Value (DV) for magnesium, another element crucial for heart health. An increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and blood fat levels have all been linked to magnesium shortage.

You must therefore ensure that you consume enough of the mineral through your diet or dietary supplements.

Full of Antioxidants

Bananas are a great source of dietary antioxidants, just like other fruits and vegetables. They include amines and flavonoids, two different classes of strong antioxidants.

Numerous health advantages, including a decreased risk of heart disease and degenerative diseases, are associated with these antioxidants. They also aid in preventing the oxidative harm that free radicals do to your cells.

Without antioxidants, free radicals can accumulate over time and harm your body if their levels become too high.

May Help You Feel Fuller

By giving your digestive system more volume and slowing digestion, the soluble fiber in bananas may aid in keeping you satisfied.

In addition, considering their size, bananas have very few calories. Bananas are a more satiating snack than other foods like processed or sugar-filled boxed snacks because of their low calorie and high fiber content when combined.

Bananas are low in protein, a very satisfying macronutrient. So, for a snack that will satisfy your hunger, try mixing a banana into a protein smoothie or eating it with foods high in protein like Greek yogurt.

May Improve Insulin Sensitivity When Unripe

Numerous chronic illnesses, including type 2 diabetes, are significantly increased by insulin resistance.

Numerous studies show that consuming resistant starch on a regular basis, such as through the consumption of unripe bananas, may enhance insulin sensitivity. By doing this, you might increase your body’s sensitivity to the hormone that controls your blood sugar.

The resistant starch found in bananas may influence insulin sensitivity, although additional study is required to confirm this.

Might Improve Kidney Health

The healthy functioning of the kidneys and control of blood pressure depends on potassium. When it comes to maintaining the health of your kidneys, bananas may be particularly helpful as excellent dietary sources of potassium.

diabetics eat bananas

Lowering blood pressure and a slower progression of kidney disease was linked to potassium in one study that included over 5,000 people with early-stage chronic kidney disease.

However, certain individuals with advanced kidney disease or those on dialysis must limit their potassium intake. Before boosting your potassium consumption, if you fit into one of these groups, see your medical staff.

May Support Exercise Recovery

The ideal food for athletes is sometimes said to be bananas. This is mostly because they include carbs that are simple to digest and the minerals potassium and magnesium, which both function as electrolytes.

When you engage in severe activity, you sweat out electrolytes. Exercise-related muscular cramps and soreness may be decreased by replenishing your body’s potassium and magnesium after perspiring, such as by eating a banana.

Bananas’ impact on exercise performance, cramping, and recuperation, however, has not been thoroughly studied. But before, during, and after exercise, bananas are a fantastic source of nourishment.

Easy to Add to Your Diet

One of the most practical snack foods available, bananas are not only very healthy but also quite portable. They go wonderfully with yogurt, cereal, and smoothies, and they taste wonderful as a garnish on whole-wheat bread spread with peanut butter.

They can also be substituted for sugar in baking and cooking. Additionally, bananas are exceedingly simple to travel and consume. They are often easily digestible and well tolerated. You only need to peel them, and you are ready to go.

3 Ways to Eat Bananas If You Have Diabetes

Add Bananas to Other Dishes

What is an effective technique to reduce the blood sugar spike caused by any high-carb food? Include it with additional foods that include nutrients that take longer to break down, such as protein and fat. Given the high protein content of Greek yogurt, for instance, topping it with banana slices or, even better, layering the two items together to create a stunning, healthy parfait will lessen the effect that the carbs in both foods will have on your blood sugar levels.

diabetes bananas

Due to its high protein content and heart-healthy plant fats, peanut butter is another delicious food to combine with bananas. To get your fix, have oatmeal with peanut butter and bananas as a man.

Enjoy Half

Yes, sugar is a natural component of bananas. The recommended portion, a huge banana’s worth, has only 15 grams of carbohydrates, which is a startling revelation.

Before peeling the banana, cut it in half to prevent wasting the other half. Then, to keep it from going bad, wrap the exposed portion of the unfinished fruit in plastic wrap and place it in the refrigerator.

Have no plastic wrap on hand or would rather not use it? The eaten half can alternatively be placed vertically on a plate to seal the flesh from oxygen exposure.

Choose Firm Ones

The refractory starch begins to transform into a quicker-acting type of sugar when bananas ripen. In other words, the higher the sugar concentration, the softer the banana and the browner the peel.

A firmer banana can have a little reduction in blood sugar effects while still giving your body the same number of healthy vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

If you intend to eat bananas straight away, consider bananas that are bright yellow when purchasing a bunch. If it will be a day or two before you can eat them, look for brilliant yellow fruit that is beginning to turn green toward each end.

The Bottom Line

A common fruit with numerous possible health advantages is the banana. Because of their fiber and antioxidant content, they may improve your digestion and heart health. Furthermore, because they are full, nutrient-dense, and low in calories, they may aid in weight loss. Unripe, green bananas and ripe, yellow bananas can both sate your sweet tooth and promote good health.


Benefits of Bananas

Are bananas OK for diabetics?

Fruits with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, like bananas, are nutritious foods. In spite of having diabetes, you can incorporate bananas into your diet.

Do bananas raise your blood sugar?

The amount of carbohydrates in bananas is substantial. It is well known that eating carbohydrate-rich foods causes blood sugar levels to rise quickly. The 14 grams of sugar and 6 grams of starch in a medium banana are both rather low.

Is a banana a day too much sugar?

No, a medium-sized banana’s 14 grams of sugar, or around 53% of its 105 total calories, make up the majority of the fruit’s nutritional content.

How many bananas can a diabetic eat a day?

One extra-small banana, which is no longer than 6 inches, is the suggested serving size for diabetics while eating bananas. A banana of this size has 19 grams of carbohydrates, which is about one-third of the 45 to 60 grams of carbohydrates that the majority of diabetics are allowed to eat at each meal.


20 Vegetables Low in Carbs

Despite being rich in minerals, vitamins, and other important nutrients, vegetables are low in carbs. Additionally, vegetables are ideal for low-carb diets because they are high in fiber yet low in carbs.

There is a wide variation in the definition of low carb. While some go as low as 20 grams per day most are under 150 grams of carbs per day. It is always a great idea to eat more vegetables whether you are on a low-carb diet or not.

Here is a list of some of the 20 best low-carb vegetables to include in your diet:

  • Bell Peppers

They are incredibly nutritious and they are also known as capsicums or sweet peppers. They may help reduce inflammation, decrease cancer risk and protect cholesterol and fats from oxidative damage thanks to the antioxidants they contain known as carotenoids.

9 grams of carbs, 3 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (149 grams) of chopped red pepper. A whopping 317% of the Reference Daily Intake (RDI) of vitamin C, which is often lacking on very low-carb diets, and 93% of the RDI vitamin A, are provided.

Although their antioxidants may vary, there are similar nutrient profiles in green, orange, and yellow bell peppers.

low in carbs vegetables
  • Broccoli

A true superfood is a broccoli. Radishes, cabbage, kale, and Brussels sprout are among the members of the cruciferous vegetable family to which broccoli also belongs.

Insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes may be reduced by broccoli as shown in studies.

Additionally, several types of cancer, including prostate cancer may be prevented by taking broccoli as thought. 6 grams of carbs, 2 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (91 grams) of raw broccoli. Lastly, more than 100% of the RDI for vitamin C and K and also provided in broccoli.

  • Asparagus

A tasty springtime veggie is asparagus.8 grams of carbs, 4 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (180 grams) of cooked asparagus. Additionally, an excellent quantity of vitamins A, C, and K are also found in asparagus hence making it an excellent source for them. Keeping your diabetes symptoms under control might be aided by adding asparagus to your diet according to a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition.

You will also get the following when you make a point of eating asparagus often:

High levels of folate. Up to 60 percent of your recommended daily allowance of folacin can be delivered in one 5.3-ounce serving of asparagus. The production of red blood cells and cell division both benefit from the vitamin folate.

Low in calories and with countless nutrients. Just to name a few, asparagus features vitamins B6, A, and K, thiamin, and fiber.
Excellent source of antioxidants. Apart from the antioxidants known as flavonoids and polyphenols, asparagus is also featuring high quantities of vitamin C and E. Reduction of chronic disease and prevention of the accumulation of free radicals have been shown to be done by antioxidants.

Can improve digestive health. Having a regular bowel movement is supported by the insoluble fiber included in asparagus, which gives feces more volume. Small amounts of soluble fiber are also present, which dissolves in water and produces a gel-like substance in the digestive tract.

Lots of minerals. From this vegetable, you will get a bit of manganese, phosphorus, calcium, and potassium apart from it being known for its high iron and copper content. Additionally, potassium is vital for treating diabetes it can also help in lowering blood pressure.

  • Mushrooms

There are very few carbohydrates in mushrooms. Just 2 grams of carbs, one of which is fiber is contained in a one-cup (70-gram) serving of raw, white mushrooms.

Moreover, strong anti-inflammatory properties have been shown in mushrooms. There were significant improvements in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory markers in a study in men with metabolic syndrome, who ate 3.5 ounces (100 grams) of white mushrooms for 16 weeks.

  • Zucchini

The most common type of summer squash and a popular vegetable is zucchini. Summer squash features long soft skin that can be eaten.

Winter squash, on the other hand, is higher in carbohydrates than summer kinds and comes in a variety of shapes with wonderful skin.

4 grams of carbs, one of which is fiber are contained in one cup (124 grams) of raw zucchini. It is a good source of vitamin C as well. supplying each dish with 35% of the RDI. Similar to zucchini, yellow Italian squash and other summer squash varieties have nutrient profiles and carb counts.

  • Spinach

Major health benefits are provided with this leafy green vegetable known as spinach. DNA damage can be reduced by spinach as reported by researchers.

Besides, the risk of common eye diseases such as cataracts and muscular degeneration may be reduced by spinach apart from protecting heart health. Several vitamins and minerals are also found in spinach in excellent quantity.

More than 10 times the RDI for vitamin K is provided in one cup (180 grams) of cooked spinach.

Further, carbs become more concentrated as the leaves are cooked down and lose their volume despite spinach being low in carbs. For example, 7 grams of carbs with 4 grams of fiber are contained in one cup of cooked spinach while one gram of carb with almost one gram of fiber is contained in one cup of raw spinach.

what vegetables are low in carbs
  • Avocados

Avocados are a distinct and delectable meal. Typically, avocados are consumed as vegetables despite them being technically a fruit. Very few digestible carbs and high-fat content is found in avocados. 13 grams of carbs, 10 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (150-gram) serving of chopped avocados.

Further, a type of monounsaturated fat that has beneficial effects on health known as oleic acid is found in high quantities in avocados. LDL cholesterol and triglyceride levels can be lowered with the help of avocados as per the findings from small studies.

Furthermore, potassium, folate, and vitamin C are found in excellent quantities in avocados. Avocados may be beneficial for weight management despite being a fairly high-calorie food.

There was a reported fuller feeling and less desire to eat for eating over the next five hours in overweight people who included half an avocado in their lunch in one study.

  • Cauliflower

One of the most versatile and popular low-carb vegetables is cauliflower. It can be used as a substitute for higher-cab foods such as rice, potatoes, and many more, plus it features a very mild taste. 5 grams of carbs, 3 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (100 grams) of raw cauliflower.

It also contains significant amounts of vitamin K and 77% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin C. reduced risk of heart disease and cancer are associated with cauliflower just like other cruciferous vegetables.

  • Green Beans

String beans or snap beans are the other names given to green beans at times. Along with beans and lentils, they are a member of the legume family.

Compared to most legumes, they have significantly fewer carbs. 10 grams of carbs, 4 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (125-gram) serving of cooked green beans.

Additionally, chlorophyll may help protect against cancer as suggested in animal studies and chlorophyll is found in high quantities in green beans. Improved brain function during aging is associated with carotenoids which are contained in green beans.

  • Lettuce

One of the lowest carb-vegetables is lettuce. 2 grams of carb, one of which is fiber are contained in one cup (47 grams) of lettuce. It may also be a good source of certain vitamins depending on the type.

Romaine and other dark-green varieties are rich in vitamins A, C, and K for instance. A compound linked to an increase in heart disease called homocysteine can be reduced in levels by the high folate in lettuce.

Compared to a low folate diet, one study in 37 women showed that consuming foods high in folate for five weeks reduced homocysteine levels by 13%.

  • Garlic

The immune system benefits from the consumption of garlic. Resistance to the common cold and decreased pressure may be boosted by garlic found in studies.

Due to garlic’s strong taste and aroma, in one sitting, the amount typically consumed is very low despite it being a high-carb vegetable by weight. One gram of carbs, part of which is fiber is contained in one clove (3 grams) of garlic.

list of vegetables low in carbs
  • Kale

In addition to being a popular vegetable, kale is also quite nutrient-dense. Quercetin and kaempferol are some of the leaded nutrients its features.

Protection against heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and other diseases may be aided by kale apart from lowering blood pressure as has been shown. 7 grams of carbs, one of which is fiber is contained in one cup (67 grams) of raw kale. An impressive 206% of the RDI for vitamin A and 134% of the RDI for vitamin C is also provided by kale.

Improved immune function and increased skin ability to fight damaging free radicals, which can speed up the aging process can be done by a high intake of vitamin C as it has been shown

  • Cucumbers

Apart from being refreshing, cucumbers are also low in carbs. 4 grams of carbs, less than 1 gram of which is fiber are contained in one cup (104 grams) of chopped cucumber.

Cucurbitacin E, a compound that may have beneficial effects on health is found in cucumbers despite it being very high in minerals or vitamins.

Moreover, it may protect brain health because of its anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory properties as per results from test-tube and animal studies.

  • Brussels Sprouts

Another tasty cruciferous vegetable is Brussel Sprouts. 6 grams of carb, 2 of which are fiber are contained in a half-cup (78-gram) serving of cooked Brussels sprouts.

Additionally, 137% of the RDI for vitamin K and 80% of the RDI for vitamin C are provided by this vegetable. Risk factors for cancer, including colon cancer may be reduced by eating Brussels sprouts as controlled human studies suggest.

  • Celery

Digestive carbohydrates are incredibly scarce in celery. 3 grams of carbs, 2 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (101-gram) serving of chopped celery. With 37% of the RDI for vitamin K, it is a good source of that vitamin.

Further, an antioxidant that shows potential for both preventing and helping treat cancer known as luteolin is contained in celery.

  • Radishes

Radishes are a type of Brassica vegetable that has a peppery, sharp flavor. 4 grams of carbs, 2 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (116 grams) of raw sliced radishes.

With 29% of the RDI, they are fairly high in vitamin C. The risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women may be reduced by radishes by modifying the way the body metabolizes estrogen.

vegetable low in carbs
  • Onions

One of the nutritious and pungent vegetables is onions. Because of onions’ robust flavor of onions, they are usually consumed in small amounts despite being fairly high in carbs by weight.

6 grams of carbs, one of which is fiber are contained in a half cup (58 grams) of sliced raw onions. Eating red onions reduced LDL cholesterol levels in overweight and obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) as per foundlings in one study.

  • Eggplant

In many Italian and Asian dishes, a common vegetable is an eggplant. 8 grams of carbs, 2 of which are fiber are contained in a one-cup (99-gram) serving of chopped, cooked eggplant.

Lowering cholesterol and improving other markers of health may be aided by eggplant as suggested by animal research despite it not being very high in most vitamins and minerals.

The purple pigment of its skin known as nasunin contains antioxidants. Free radicals may be reduced by nasunin while also protecting your brain health as reported by researchers.

  • Cabbage

The health advantages of cabbage are remarkable. The risk of certain cancers including esophageal and stomach cancer can be reduced with help of cabbage as a cruciferous vegetable.

5 grams of carbs, 3 of which are fiber are contained in one cup (89 grams) of chopped raw cabbage. Additionally, it offers 85% of the RDI for vitamin K and 54% of the RDI for vitamin C.

  • Artichokes

Apart from being delicious, Artichokes are also nutritious. 14 grams of carbs are contained in one medium-sized globe artichoke (120 grams) but it is very low in digestible (net) carbs since 10 grams come from fiber.

Inulin, which functions as a prebiotic and feeds beneficial gut flora, makes up a portion of the fiber. What’s more, artichokes may protect heart health.

A reduction in inflammatory markers and improvement in blood vessel function was experienced when people with high cholesterol drank artichoke juice in one study.

The Bottom Line

low in carbs veggies

Vegetables that can be included in a diabetic low-carb diet are many. They may reduce your risk of various diseases and improve your overall health and well-being in addition to being low in carbs and calories.


Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds have many health benefits and especially for people with diabetes. Magnesium, omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants are all found in Chia seeds.

Type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes complications can be reduced using these elements found in the chia seeds. Almost 10 grams of fiber is found in one ounce (28.35g) of dried chia seeds.

Chia seeds are incredibly rich in nutrients despite being small. These seeds have been touted for their health benefits for centuries and it was a staple in the ancient Aztec and Maya diets.

Further, improving blood sugar management, promoting heart health, and supporting strong bones are some of the beneficial properties of chia seeds such as antioxidants, minerals, fiber, and omega-3 fatty acids.

Moreover, they can be used in many recipes, thanks to the versatile nature of the chia seeds.

There are multiple health benefits of chia seeds. Here are some of the benefits supported by science.

Highly Nutritious

chia seeds and diabetes

From the plant Salvia hispanica L, chia seeds are tiny white or black seeds that are believed to be native to Central America. Apart from being used for medical purposes, religious rituals, and cosmetics, Aztec and Mayan civilizations used the seeds in their diets historically.

Chia seeds are enjoyed by people all over the globe currently. Just like the belief that has been backed by modern science, Chia seeds were viewed as highly nutritious in ancient civilizations.

Chia seeds contain the following in just 1 ounce (28 grams or 2 tablespoons)

  • 138 calories
  • 4.7 grams protein
  • 9.7 grams fat
  • 5 grams of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)
  • 11.9 grams carbs
  • 14% of the Daily Value (DV) calcium
  • 23% of the DV magnesium
  • 12 % of the DV iron
  • 20% of the DV phosphorus
  • 12% of the DV zinc
  • 15% of the DV vitamin B1 (thiamine)
  • 16% of the DV vitamin B3 (Niaci)

Considering that is it for just a single serving of about two tablespoons, this nutritional profile is particularly impressive.

May Reduce Blood Sugar Levels

Because of the fiber content and other beneficial compounds in chai seeds, consuming them may help with blood sugar regulation. High blood sugar levels may be experienced by people with diabetes.

An increased risk of several complications, including heart disease is consistently associated with high fasting blood sugar levels.

Additionally, chia seeds may improve insulin sensitivity as per the promising findings from animal studies. Especially after meals, chia seeds may help to stabilize blood sugar levels.

Some older studies have shown promising results despite the sparse research on humans.

Compared with eating bread without chai seeds particularly older research from 2010 and 2013, suggests that eating bread containing chia seeds helps lower post-meal; rises in blood sugar among healthy adults.

Loaded with Antioxidants

There are excellent quantities of antioxidants in chia seeds hence making them an excellent source.

Apart from neutralizing reactive molecules known as free radicals, which can damage cell compounds if they build up in your body, antioxidants may also benefit your body by protecting the sensitive fats in chia seeds from going rancid.

For example, diseases like cancer and aging are contributed by free radical damage.

Chlorogenic acid, caffeic acid, myricetin, quercetin, and kaempferol are the specific antioxidants found in chia seeds. As well as anticancer properties, the specific antioxidants in chia seeds may all have protective effects on your liver and heart.

For example, while caffeic acid features anti-inflammatory effects, chlorogenic acid may help lower blood pressure.

May Support Weight Loss

Those trying to lose weight may benefit from the fiber and protein in chia seeds. Close to 10 grams of dietary fiber is found in 28 grams (One ounce) of chia seeds. Therefore, this means by weight there is a whopping 35% of fiber.

chia seeds benefits

Eating fiber may play role in preventing overweight and obesity as per suggestions from some studies despite research on this topic being mixed.

Moreover, appetite and food intake reduction could be aided by protein in chia seeds. It may be a useful addition to a balanced, nutritious diet if you are trying to lose weight despite adding chia seeds to your diet being unlikely to cause weight loss on its own.

May Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Consuming chia seeds may reduce your risk of heart disease given that they are high in fiber and omega-3s. Total and LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood lowering could be aided by soluble vitamins, the kind primarily found in chia seeds.

Additionally, decreased heart disease risk has been linked to consuming ALA, the omega-3 fatty acid in chia seeds. Inconclusive results have been had in the studies specifically examining the connection between chia seeds and heart health.

Including high triglyceride and oxidative stress levels, chia seeds can lower certain heart disease risk factors as shown in some rat studies. Blood pressure in people with hypertension, or high blood pressure, which is a strong risk factor for heart disease can significantly be reduced using chia seeds, as found in a few human studies.

Contains Many Important Bone Nutrients

Several nutrients that are essential for bone health are found in high quantities in chia seeds.

These nutrients include:

  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

Getting enough of these nutrients is important for maintaining good bone mineral density, which is an indicator of bone strength as per suggestions from multiple observational studies.

Further, a role in bone health may be played by ALA in chia seeds. Increased bone mineral density could be associated with consuming this nutrient as per the findings from observational studies. Therefore, keeping your bones strong could be aided by regular eating of chia seeds.

Easy To Incorporate into Your Diet

chia seeds for diabetes

Incorporating into your diet chia seeds is incredibly easy. So, you can add them to pretty much anything they taste rather bland.

Additionally, chia is a handy addition to recipes since you do not need to grind, cook, or otherwise prepare them. Apart from being added to oatmeal, pudding, smoothies, and baked goods chia seeds can be eaten raw, and soaked in juice.

Further, you can also use chia seeds in rice dishes, vegetables, yogurt, or cereal by sprinkling them on top. They can also be used as a binding agent as they work wonders in homemade fritters.

Furthermore, you can use them to thicken sauces and as an egg substitute thanks to their ability to absorb water and fat. They can also be turned into a gel when mixed with water.

If you eat too many seeds in one sitting, you might experience digestive side effects such as bloating or diarrhea especially if you are still not used to eating a lot of fiber. 0.7 ounces (20 grams or about 1.5 tablespoons) of chia seeds twice per day is the common dosage recommendation.

To prevent digestive side effects, remember to drink plenty of water.

The Bottom Line

Apart from being easy to prepare, chia seeds are also rich in minerals, fiber, antioxidants, and omega-3 fat. Ranging from weight loss to a reduced risk of heart disease, studies suggest that chia seeds have various health benefits. Before any firm conclusions can be made, more research involving humans is needed.

Consider incorporating chia seeds into your diet if you want to reap its possible benefits. You can also add chia seeds in smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, baked goods, and many more since they are a great addition to them


Do Chia Seeds Raise Blood Sugar?

Blood sugar levels can be significantly lowered using chia seeds as shown in some studies. The absorption of sugar in the blood is slowed down and the levels of blood sugar can decrease all this is because of the high amounts of fiber in chia seeds.

How Do Diabetics Drink Chia Seed?

Add thinly sliced pieces of lemon to it after soaking a tablespoon of chia seeds in a bottle of water. After that, consume the detox drink after letting it for around a minimum of an hour.

Helping to speed up weight loss, thanks to the antioxidants, micronutrients, and fiber that the detox drink is rich in. an excellent meal option is salads.

Can I Eat Chia Seeds Every Day?

As part of a healthy diet, chia seeds may provide you with multiple benefits. For chia seeds, there is no RDA. About five tablespoons which are around 50 grams can be safely eaten daily.

Do I Need to Soak Chia Seeds?

chia seeds blood sugar

Soaking chia seeds does help to maximize the benefits, but in order to eat them, you do not necessarily have to soak these seeds overnight.

So, it is really worth leaving the seeds to soak overnight since chia seeds feature hydrophilic properties. The ability of chia seeds to soak water is due to their hydrophilic properties and this makes them so valuable to your body.

Do Chia Seeds Burn Belly Fat?

When someone is on a calorie-restricted and on exercise routine, using chia seeds helps in promoting weight loss but on their own, these seeds cannot burn fat.

Lost belly fat has been reported by many people drinking this drink made with lemon.

What Happens If You Drink Chia Seeds Empty Stomach?

When consumed on empty stomach every morning chia seeds have proven benefits. These seeds contain magnesium that helps to keep cortisol levels low, and in turn, uplifts your mood apart from having high levels of fiber, calcium, protein, and healthy fats.

Is it OK to Eat Chia Seeds Raw?

You can eat chia seeds raw despite many people preferring to soak them. On your smoothie or oatmeal, try grinding and sprinkling them.


What is the Best Lotion for Diabetic Skin?

The Best Lotion for Diabetic Skin

Skin conditions are often dreaded by a majority of people given the health and beauty complications that often accompany them. This problem is however prevalent among those diagnosed with diabetes.

For instance, several studies conducted on the matter a while back revealed that nearly 30% of individuals diagnosed with diabetes mellitus usually experience some form of skin problem at some stage of their sickness.

The majority of these skin disorders prevalent among diabetics are usually attributed to comorbid health conditions such as candida and impetigo infections among others.

Subsequently, those diagnosed with type 2 diabetes further have double the risks of developing the common scaly disease, psoriasis, compared to non-diabetics.

Diabetic dermopathy

Diabetic dermopathy is one of the major skin conditions found to occur in nearly 30% of patients diagnosed with diabetes. This skin problem is usually characterized by unique and distinguishing features that most often appear on the shins of the affected.

They usually resemble solar lentigines and due to their location on the body, they are occasionally referred to as shin spots or in some circles as pigmented pretibial patches.

What are the causes of diabetic dermopathy?

diabetic skin lotion

Experts in the field are yet to pinpoint the exact cause of diabetic dermopathy. Nonetheless, several studies and theories have often been put forward regarding the matter. For instance;

Some scholars have associated the condition with diabetic neuropathic and vascular complications as relevant studies indicated diabetic dermopathy to be more prevalent among diabetic patients with neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy.

Subsequently, other studies have also pinpointed that it tends to occur among older patients especially those who have had diabetes for at least 10-20 years.

Others have also linked diabetic dermopathy to increased glycosylated hemoglobin, an indicator of poor control of blood glucose levels.

It is also thought that diabetic dermopathy may be a magnified response of the body to an injury or trauma in bony parts of the body like the shin.

This is because, lesions often occur over body parts of the body and several studies have also discovered that shin spots usually appear in response to traumas with heat, cold or blunt objects among diabetic patients.

Signs and symptoms of diabetic dermopathy

Identifying this condition is usually straightforward given the manifestations that often appear on the skin and in particularly one region of the body. They are commonly found on the shins.

However, on rare occasions, few lesions can often be found on the front of the thighs, forearm, side of the foot, scalp, and even along the body trunk.

Their distinguishing features include the fact that the lesions are often;

  • Round or oval shaped
  • Reddish-brown in color
  • Initially scaly but later on flattens out and becomes indented
  • Commonly appear on both shins

Having four or even more lesions is usually a direct indication of diabetes and as such, undiagnosed individuals presenting with shin spots are always advised to seek medical testing and further investigations as this could help rule out the possibility of an early case of diabetes.

The treatments for diabetic dermopathy

The condition is usually harmless and as such does not require any form of treatment as they tend to decline and go away in just a couple of years. This is usually fast-tracked by improved blood glucose control.

Diabetic Bullae

This is another skin condition associated with individuals with diabetes. Also known as Bullosis diabeticorum, this condition usually appears in the form of blister-like lesions occurring spontaneously on the hands and feet of individuals with diabetes.

The condition is however quite rare but similarly significant as it is usually among the distinct markers for diabetes.

Several studies conducted on the condition revealed that it is usually more prevalent among men than women and between the ages of 17 to 84 years. They are also common in patients with long-standing diabetes or comorbid diabetic complications like neuropathy among others.

Diabetic bullae is usually characterized by few but distinct signs and symptoms. These include;

  • The blisters usually appear on the hands or feet
  • They are usually painless
  • The blisters measure 0.5 to 17 centimeters in diameter
  • They have irregular shapes

There are two common and properly defined types of diabetic bullae and they are;

Intraepidermal bullae – these usually boast unique blisters filled with clear and sterile viscous fluid. The blisters normally heal spontaneously without scarring or atrophy in 2-5 weeks.

Subepidermal bullae – the blisters in this category are usually filled with blood and healing may sometimes exhibit scarring and atrophy. Nonetheless, they are usually less common among diabetics.

Diabetic bullae often heal spontaneously without applying any form of treatment in most of cases. To guarantee this, diabetic patients are usually encouraged to avoid breaking the blisters at all costs as this would prevent secondary infection which may complicate the healing process.

Diabetic stiff skin

diabetic skin

Also referred to as diabetic cheiroarthropathy or digital sclerosis, diabetic stiff skin is another common skin condition among diabetics especially those with long-standing type 1 diabetes. The condition is often characterized by;

  • Restricted mobility of the joints of an individual’s hands
  • Stiff, waxy, thickened, and yellowed skin
  • Patients may also suffer from Dupuytren contracture (tendon tightening) which bends their fingers

The condition is thought to develop due to the reaction of glucose with proteins in the skin and essentially increased amounts of glycation end products.

Other dermatological conditions associated with diabetes

Apart from the few significant skin conditions associated with diabetes mentioned above, there are several others which include;

Foot ulcers
Necrobiosis lipoidica – manifests as yellow, waxy plaques on the skin
Reactive perforating collagenosis and Kyrle disease – common among diabetics with renal failure
Scleroderma – a rare type 2 diabetes complication causing skin thickening in the neck and upper back
Eruptive xanthoma – this is associated with high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides. Appears on the hands, arms, feet, legs, and even buttocks
Skin tags
– manifests as multiple yellowish scaly patches on and around the eyelids
Vitiligo – this is an autoimmune condition that sometimes develops due to type 1 diabetes
Acanthosis nigricans – this usually manifests as darkening and thickening of skin folds. Thought to manifest as a result of insulin resistance
Pruritus – is associated with numerous causes such as yeast infection, dry skin, neuropathy, or poor blood flow
Cutaneous dysaesthesia – associated with small fiber neuropathy
Bacterial skin infections – these are several and inclusive of stye, boil, abscess, paronychia, cellulitis
Fungal infections – specifically Candida albicans

Top 5 lotions for diabetic skincare

Whereas most of these dermatological conditions associated with diabetes do not require treatment, they often require proper management to ensure that they stay hydrated, soft, and unbroken.

This is because, without proper care, even managing your blood glucose level may not make them go away since some may invite infections further complicating a diabetic’s life.
As such, the following lotions are some of the best and most recommended by experts to ensure you manage your skin condition effectively until they effectively heal. They include;

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does diabetes cause skin changes?

Yes. This is because skin changes are one of the most common signs of diabetes and can often be used in diagnosing an individual not yet tested.

The skin is one of the major body organs massively affected by diabetes. Nevertheless, an early diagnosis and proper glucose level regulation may limit these skin changes thereby preventing any associated major complications.

What does diabetic skin look like?

Several individuals may often present with varying skin configurations when suffering from diabetes. In fact, some may even present with normal skin composition depending on the stage, severity, and type of diabetes they suffer from.

For instance, diabetes may cause some changes in the small blood vessels in the skin resulting in several manifestations.

An example is diabetic dermopathy which often looks like oval/circular reddish-brown scaly patches, another one is diabetic bullae presenting as skin with blister-like lesions among other varieties.

What is diabetes dermatitis?

Also referred to as Acanthosis nigricans, this skin condition is usually characterized by dark, thick velvety patches in body folds and creases.

It is thus often more prevalent on the skin around the neck, groin, and armpit regions. It is common with type 2 diabetics as it is caused by high blood insulin levels, insulin resistance, which causes skin cells to reproduce faster than the normal rate.

Can you reverse sugar damage to the skin?

There is no definitive way to reverse sugar damage to the skin as it is a one-way process. The process known as sugar sag develops when your skin loses its resiliency and starts to wrinkle and sag.

Essentially, the process leads to cross-linking of the collagen fibers in the skin, an irreversible process.

Does metformin affect your skin?

Metformin, which is a widely used drug among diabetic and obese individuals, has been found to exert several effects on the skin. As such, it could potentially induce a variety of dermatoses.

For instance, some of the commonly identified drug-induced reactions among associated individuals like diabetics include the manifestation of rashes, urticarial, and lichenoid eruption, among others.

diabetes dry skin

How long after quitting sugar doe one’s skin improve?

Sugar is often associated with numerous skin conditions among them acne which affects a great number of people. Therefore, quitting sugar should have some positive effects on the skin.

Nonetheless, these changes are not usually instantaneous and thus take time to reflect. As such, studies have shown that changes may start to manifest after six weeks of behavior modification, however, big visible changes on the skin may take even longer, about 3 to 4 months after cutting down on sugar.

What is CARB face?

This is the extra puffiness often manifested in the faces of those who over-indulge in eating excess carbs like too much bread, pasta, and pizza among others. It is thus prevalent among those with a weakness for carbohydrate-filled foods.


Essential Oils for Diabetes

Carious symptoms and complications can be brought by the way the body produces and uses insulin, which is affected by diabetes. Treatment with essential oils or aromatherapy may help as believed by some.

Essential Oils, Aromatherapy, and Diabetes

What are Essential Oils?

Concentrated compounds extracted from plants that contain oil are these oils. The scents, flavor, and other properties of the plant, which are the essence of a plant are captured. “Oil of whatever plant it is extracted from”, or ethereal oils is another name for essential oils. Oil of bergamot, oil of lavender, and many more are some examples.

It does not mean that our body cannot do without it despite the word “essential” attached to the oil. The plant essence i.e., flavor and scents are contained in the oil and that is the meaning of the ‘essence’ in the oil.

In historical times, essential oils have been used in the production of perfumes and as a common remedy to various ailments such as cold, infection, and many more hence they are not a new trend.

In the peel of citrus fruit, a person can easily find an essential oil. Essential oil spreads the scent of fresh oranges when an orange is peeled.

Wondering How Essential Oils Are Extracted?

essential oils for diabetes treatment

Two major processes are involved in the extraction of essential oils from plants and they include: –

Distillation (by steam or water)

The process of heating the plants over water or passing steam through them is involved in this process to extract oil from plants.

Mechanical process (like cold pressing)

To bring out the oil, the plant is squeezed or pressed with a steel press.
Expression, solvent extraction, and many more are other processes.
Essential oils often smell, taste, etc. more powerful than the original plant they were extracted from because they contain concentrated compounds.

Essential Oils vs. Carrier Oils

Carrier oils are always confused with essential oils by people but they are actually. Generally speaking, vegetable oils that are extracted from the seeds, kernels, and nuts of fruits are known as carrier oils while essential oils are extracted from the aromatic leaves, barks, and roots of plants.

However, these definitions have exceptions. Essential oils when applied directly without dilution to the skin can irritate or burn it and therefore carrier oils are commonly used to dilute essential oils.

The effects of diabetes can be reduced using the following essential oils.

Coriander seed

All over the globe, coriander or cilantro seed grows. Digestive issues like indigestion, diarrhea, and flatulence can be solved using coriander seed as a remedy in many traditions.

Additionally, the fight against diabetes may also be aided using coriander seed essential oil. Blood sugar levels in rats with diabetes were reduced because of an extract from coriander seed as per the findings by scientists in a study from 2009.

After using coriander seed oil, the beta cells in the pancreas were more active as noted by researchers. Blood sugar may be reduced by this because of the aiding in increased insulin levels. For online purchases coriander oil is available.

Lemon Balm

According to a study published in 2015, people with high blood sugar levels may benefit from Lemon balm (Melissa officinalis) essential oil.

Consumption of glucose by cells was encouraged by the essential oils as per the findings from the researchers.

When a person uses it in a diffuser or applies it to the skin, it suggests that the oil may be beneficial for blood sugar levels however, humans were not used when the team carried out the test in a lab. Online purchase for lemon balm essential oil is available.

Clove bud

In preventing or managing type 2 diabetes, it was found that clove bud essential oil could play a role as per the findings by researchers in an animal-based study.

In a way that may combat diabetes, the oil reduced levels of enzymes in the pancreas as discovered by the team.

Additionally, features of diabetes that result from oxidative stress might be prevented or managed using the clove bud essential oil as they noted. To battle free radicals, which are unstable molecules that damage cells throughout the body, an antioxidant is needed and when this body does not produce enough antioxidants to battle it, this occurs.

Online purchase for clove bud essential oil is available.

Black Seed

Many conditions including diabetes have been treated using black seed, or Nigella sativa, in traditional medicine by people.

In 2014 findings by scientists tested the effects of Nigella sativa seed and its essential oil on diabetes in a rat model. Treatments for high blood sugar and the issues that come with it could be helped using both the seed and essential oil in their conclusion.

Further, the risk of diabetes complications that result from oxidative stress may be reduced using the antioxidants that Nigella sativa is rich in as per the findings by the researchers also. Your blood sugar may be reduced to safe levels after using black seed essential oil, alongside a varied and healthful diet. Online purchase for black seed oil is available.

Black Pepper

essential oils for type 1 diabetes

High blood pressure and circulatory problems are often associated with people with type 2 diabetes.

Managing or preventing type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure might be helped using essential oil from a common kitchen spice, black pepper according to findings from a 2013 study.

Certain enzymes that may contribute to diabetes and high blood pressure may be blocked using a lot of antioxidants contained in the oil as noted by the researchers.

Online purchase of black pepper essential oil is available.

Helichrysum and Grapefruit

Type 2 diabetes symptoms’ key control factor is weight management. Being overweight can increase the risk or make symptoms worse despite the fact that it does not cause every case of diabetes.

For many people with diabetes, the first-line treatment is losing weight. Despite the fact that essential oils may help, changes to diet and exercise are involved.

Compared to rats who did not consume any supplements, according to a study published in 2015, there was less weight gained, fewer signs of inflammation, and less excess insulin in rats with obesity who consumed extracts of either Helichrysum or grapefruit as supplements.

If they use these extracts properly in future research, the idea that people may lose weight with the help of both Helichrysum and grapefruit may be shown. Relaxation and weight loss may be aided by massaging with a base oil that contains Helichrysum or grapefruit essential oils after a workout for example.

Online availability of both Helichrysum and grapefruit is there.


A renowned spice in desserts and other dishes with an aroma is cinnamon. Without adding more sugar, its flavor seems to boost sweetness.

Additionally, people with diabetes may be helped by this popular spice. Body weight, blood pressure, inflammation, sugar and fat levels, and insulin sensitivity may benefit from cinnamon as per the determination by scientists before publishing their findings in 2010.

Controlling certain features of diabetes in some people may be helped by consuming cinnamon and using the essential oil regularly.

Online purchase for cinnamon essential oil is available.


Apart from helping to relieve diabetes symptoms according to research published in 2013, in traditional and western medicine, the lavender essential oil has numerous uses.

Protection against oxidative stress, which causes complications in people with diabetes, and balancing of high blood sugar levels may be aided by the use of lavender essential oil as found by researchers in animal experiments.

Online purchase of lavender oil is available.

How To Use Essential Oils for Diabetes?

How Essential Oils Would Interact with Your Medicine for Diabetes

Apart from inhaling through the nose or applying or massaging through the skin, essential oils can be used by diluting it with carrier oils such as coconut oil.

At least without the proper guidance of a qualified doctor, you should never ingest essential oil

So, do essential oils interact with your medication? It is true that the drugs we take sometimes interact with some essential oils.

There are two ways that essential oil enters your body before we see how they interact. These ways include:

• Through skin

Essential oil is absorbed via the body’s fluid after entering through the skin follicle, and sweat glands when applied it is mixed with a carrier oil on your skin.

• Through inhalation

Essential oil is absorbed into the bloodstream after you either breathe it when it is diffused in the air or when you inhale it directly through your nostrils.

essential oils and diabetes

These essential oils interact with medication after being absorbed into your bloodstream and entering your body by either:

Binding to plasma proteins and tissues where these drugs normally bind or stick to after competing with the diabetic drugs you are taking. CYP enzyme activities responsible for drug metabolism are then either increased (induced) or stopped (inhabited). The enzyme CYP2B6 metabolizes the lemon tea tree and Litsea inhibits drugs for example. Thereby inhibiting the efficacy of medications, your digestive system flora and motility could be changed by them.

Moreover, this active compound ‘furanocoumarin’ is contained in the citrus family where some essential oils such as lemon oil, orange oil, and other oils are derived. Intestinal P-glycoprotein, which can raise your medication or drug level above normal has been found to be inhibited by this compound.

It is advisable and crucial to meet your doctor if have essential oils that have the potential to interact with medications. To use the essential oil without interfering with your drugs, you may be told to work out a way to muse it or stop using the essential oil, or medication first by the doctor after assessing the risk.

Diluted on the skin or in a massage: some particles may enter the bloodstream or provide localized treatment since they are small enough to pass through the skin. Using a carrier oil such as sweet almond oil to dilute an essential oil should be always done.

Relaxing and reducing the stress level in a person can be aided by oils as part of the massage.
Wound dressings, lotions, or bath salts can be applied with diluted essential oils by people.


Whether in a diffuser or on the skin, for everyone, not all oils are healthful. For people with breathing problems such as asthma, some oils can irritate their lungs and be dangerous, for example.


To check for allergies try applying a dime-sized amount to the forearm, before using a diluted essential oil mixture. It should be safe to use the diluted oil if after 24-48 hours no indications of allergies appear.

Hormonal Impact

When people apply them to the skin, some essential oils, including lavender, contain substances that may disrupt hormonal activity as noted by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences in 2018. In prepubescent males, this may lead to the unwanted growth of breast tissue. Many essential oils are toxic, never swallow any.

When Should You Not Use Essential Oil with Diabetes?

• If you notice a spike in the symptoms of your disease or any new complications or issues, you should not use an essential oil
• Since some essential oils, can interfere with your medications, or unless directed by a qualified doctor, you should not use an essential oil together with your drugs at the same time.
• It might irritate and many more, therefore before application on your skin always mix the oil with a carrier oil such as almond oil, olive oil, etc. hence you should not use essential oil directly on your skin.

Essential Oils You Should Avoid If You Are Diabetic

It does not mean something is safe if it is natural as we have established and essential oils are among them.

Mild to serious complications and possibly even death can be caused by some oils that are dangerous to diabetics. Apart from some oils interfering with or exacerbating your already weakened immune system, they can also interact with the diabetic drugs you are taking.

As a diabetic, here are some of the essential oils you should avoid:
• Angelica
• Rosemary
• Sage
• Hyssop
• Bitter almond
• Red thyme
• Tansy
• Wormwood


Bioactive compounds extracted from plants are contained in essential oils, in summary. Apart from managing diabetes, relieving stress, being a natural pesticide, and treating infection, essential oils have a wide range of uses.

essential oils for type 2 diabetes

Some oils may not be safe and can worsen your condition if you are diabetic hence making them dangerous to you and therefore should be taken by you.

The dangers of some essential oils to a diabetic person include causing the development of new complications and symptoms, raising your blood pressure, interfering with your medication, and the worst, a possible death.

Seeking the advice of a qualified medical doctor is key if you want to use essential oil either as a way to freshen your home or manage your condition as a diabetic.


Can diabetics use essential oils?

The use of essential oils such as dill, cinnamon, coriander, or ylang-ylang can tamper with diabetes as discovered recently. Essential oils can help reduce some aggravation of the condition despite the that they can never completely cure diabetes.

Which oil reduces blood sugar?

According to new research, compared to other kinds of fats, cholesterol and blood sugar are reduced more by extra virgin olive oil.

How long does it take cinnamon to lower blood sugar?

After 40 days a significant decrease in serum glucose levels was seen after the addition of 1, 3, or 6g of cinnamon to the diet. Only in the group receiving 6g of cinnamon were the values significantly lower after 20 days.

Is peppermint good for diabetics?

The good news for your A1C is that you may feel calmer after adding peppermint tea to your drink rotation. Since improved blood glucose levels can be due to reduced stress, the calming effects of peppermint tea may be beneficial to individuals with type 2 diabetes.

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Flax Seed Oil Benefits for Diabetics

Is Flaxseed Oil Good for Diabetics?

Flax seeds and flaxseed oil may improve your blood sugar control, and insulin sensitivity and reduce the risk factors for heart disease. This is because they are rich in unique plant compounds, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and many more.

People with diabetes may gain a lot by using flax seeds and flaxseed oil since they have multiple health benefits that are essential in managing the condition.

Diabetes is one of the conditions that affect so many people globally in the modern day. In the United States alone, there are approximately 30 million people with diabetes and more than twice the number with prediabetes. It is worrying since these numbers are constantly on the rise.

The potential to lower blood sugar levels and delay the development of type 2 diabetes are some of the multiple health-promoting compounds found in flax seeds and flaxseed oil.

This article reviews the benefits and downsides of eating flax seeds and flaxseed oil if you have diabetes.

Your lipid profile and reduced blood sugar levels can be improved by the consumption of flaxseed. Flax seeds have the potential to slow down the absorption of carbohydrates in the body.

This was tested when people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes maintained healthy blood sugar levels after taking a flaxseed supplement daily for 12 weeks.

Additionally, high blood sugar levels are caused by insulin resistance, and since flaxseed is effective in lowering insulin sensitivity, using it will help in lowering insulin resistance in your body.

Flaxseed Nutrition

One of the world’s oldest crops is flax seeds (Linum usitatissimum). Since about 3000 B.C., flax seeds have been cultivated for use in both the food and textile industries. The seeds are exceptionally nutritious and include roughly 45% oil, 35% carbohydrates, and 20% protein.

In every 10 grams or a tablespoon of whole flax seeds packs, you will find the following:

is flaxseed oil good for diabetics

• Calories: 55
• Carbs: 6 grams
• Fiber: 2.8 grams
• Protein: 1.8 grams
• Fat: 4 grams
• Omega-3 fatty acid: 2.4 grams

Omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an essential fatty acid that your body cannot produce and the only way to obtain it is by consuming it in food.

One of the best sources that you can get Omega-3 fatty acid alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is flax seeds. Additionally, to provide an excellent omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 0.3 to 1, flax seeds and flaxseed oil have enough omega-6 fatty acids.

Fiber, both the soluble and insoluble kinds are the majority carb content found in flaxseed oil and flax seeds. When combined with water, soluble fiber forms a viscous mass that aids in controlling blood sugar levels.

Insoluble fiber, on the other hand, operates by increasing fecal volume and preventing constipation because it is not soluble in water. Lastly, comparable to that soybean, there is a significant amount of digestible high-quality protein, and amino acid profile contained in flax seed.

Difference Between Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil

Solvent extraction or pressing dried flax seeds is the process used in extracting flaxseed oil. Because of this, there is no fiber present in flaxseed oil.

Additionally, there are no protein and carb contents in flaxseed oil because after the extraction process from dried flax seeds oil pure fat content remains.

For instance, there are 0 grams of proteins and carbs in 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of flaxseed oil whereas the fat content is 14 grams. However, there are 3 grams of carb, 1.8 grams of protein, and 4 grams of fat in the same quantity of whole flax seeds.

However, flaxseed oil delivers a higher amount of ALA than flax seeds because of its higher fat content.

Benefits Of Eating Flax Seeds and Flaxseed Oil If You Have Diabetes

• Because they may improve many diabetes risk factors, both flaxseed oil and flax seeds have proved to have positive effects on this condition.
• Blood sugar control can be promoted by the use of flax seeds.
• The fiber in flax seed plays an essential role in maintaining healthy blood sugar levels, which is crucial for people with diabetes. Flax seeds are considered a low-glycemic food because of their high fiber content.

Therefore, consuming flax seeds will promote your blood sugar control. Food digestion in your body gets slowed and the rate of absorption of nutrients like sugar in your body decreases. This is caused by mucilage, a soluble fiber content in flax seeds.

Compared with the control group in one 4-week study, 29 people with type 2 diabetes found that consuming 10 grams of flaxseed powder each day reduced fasting blood sugar by up to 19.7%.

Compared with a control group in a 3-month study, 120 with type 2 diabetes who consumed 5 grams of flaxseed gum daily on their food experienced a fasting blood sugar reduction of up to 12%. Moreover, there were similar results observed in people with prediabetes who consumed two tablespoons (13grams) of ground flax seed daily in a 12-week study.

Flaxseed oil cannot benefit blood sugar control despite research showing that flax seeds seem to benefit blood sugar regulation.

• A hormone that regulates blood sugar is known as insulin. The sensitivity of insulin in your body can be improved by using flaxseed oil and flax seeds.

Your body requires greater amounts of insulin to lower your blood sugar levels if it has difficulties responding to insulin. This is a risk factor for type 2 diabetes, and it is known as insulin resistance.

How sensitive your body is to insulin is the meaning of insulin sensitivity and preventing and treating type 2 diabetes depends on improving it in your body.

• A powerful antioxidant known as lignan is available in high quantities in flax seed and they are responsible for slowing the development of diabetes and improving insulin sensitivity.

Secoisolariciresinol diglucoside (SDG) is very predominant in lignans found in flax seeds. SDG has the potential to improve insulin sensitivity and delay the development of both type 1 and 2 di8abetes as per the results from studies in animals.

However, further research is needed since human studies have not been able to confirm this effect.

Insulin sensitivity in both animals and humans has been linked to ALA from flaxseed oil, on the other hand. In fact, an increase in insulin sensitivity was observed in 16 people with obesity after they received a daily oral dose of ALA in supplement form in one 8-week study.

It was found that supplementing with flaxseed oil improved insulin sensitivity in a dose-dependent manner as per the studies in rats with insulin resistance. This means that the greater the improvement depends on how larger the dosage is.

• May reduce your risk of heart disease. Both flax seeds and flaxseed oil have been shown to help against conditions where diabetes is their risk factor for multiple reasons. Some of the diabetes risk factors include heart disease and stroke and some of the reasons that both flaxseed oil and flax seeds help protect against them are because of their content such as fiber, ALA, and SDG.
Cholesterol-lowering properties are found in flax seeds in soluble fibers such as the mucilage gum. Cholesterol absorption in your body reduces because of the soluble fibers in flax seed such as mucilage’s ability to form a gel-like substance that affects metabolism.

flaxseed oil diabetic

For example, compared with the control group in one 7-day study in 17 people who used flax seed fiber, their total cholesterol was lowered by 12% and LDL (bad) cholesterol was lowered by 15%.

Further, lignan SDG found in flax seeds acts as both an antioxidant and a plant-based compound that imitates the hormone estrogen known as phytoestrogen. Phytoestrogens are essential in reducing blood pressure in your body, while the antioxidant properties help in lowering cholesterol.

Compared with the control in one 12-week study in 30 men with high blood cholesterol levels, it was determined that those who received 100 mg of SDG experienced a decrease in LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

• Omega-3 fatty acid ALA has potent anti-inflammatory effects. One of the risk factors for stroke is clogged arteries.

It was found that the anti-inflammatory effects in flaxseed and flax seeds may help regress or even in treating clogged arteries. There were promising results when participants with high blood pressure consumed about 4 tablespoons (30 grams) of milled flax seeds every day.

Compared with the control group, a reduction of 10-15 mm Hg and 7 mm Hg in systolic and diastolic blood pressure (the top and bottom numbers of the reading) respectively was observed.

People Who Should Not Use Flaxseed Oil

There are certain people that should not use flaxseed oil, and they include: –

• Pregnant women. Increased risk for premature birth and other adverse effects may be experienced when you use flaxseed oil during pregnancy.

• Children. Despite it being likely safe for children to consume small amounts of flaxseed, there has not been credible evidence on the safety of flaxseed oil when they consume it.

• Breastfeeding mothers. When it comes to consuming flaxseed oil for breastfeeding mothers, there is a lack of reliable information about its safety.

• People with bleeding disorders. Whether flaxseed oil may increase the risk of bleeding is a debate that has been there. However, it is advisable that you talk to your healthcare provider before using flaxseed oil in food, in supplement form, or as a topical treatment if you have a bleeding disorder.

• Surgery. To prevent bleeding, it is advisable that at least two weeks before surgery and throughout the initial recovery period, you should stop using flaxseed oil.

• People taking blood clotting drugs. There may be an increased risk of bleeding and bruising if you are taking flaxseed oil with medications that slow down blood clottings, such as warfarin, diclofenac, or aspirin.

Before adding flax seeds or flaxseed oil to your daily routine, it is advisable that you consult with your healthcare provider.

The bottom line

People with diabetes may get help from the multiple health benefits of flaxseed oil and flax seeds in managing the condition.

Reduced risk factors for heart disease, improved blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity are some of the multiple health befits found in flax seeds and flaxseed oil since they are rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and unique plant compounds.

However, using either flaxseed oil or flax seed may interact with other medications prescribed for the treatment of diabetes and therefore you should be mindful before consuming them.


is flaxseed oil good for diabetic

Is Flaxseed Good for Lowering Blood Sugar?

Indeed, apart from playing a role in the prevention of prostate cancer, consuming flaxseed may aid in lowering your blood sugar levels.

Who Should Not Take Flaxseed Oil?

If you are using certain medications, have a preexisting medical condition, or take the wrong dosage it may cause undesirable side effects.

Therefore, before relying on flaxseed oil to boost your omega-3 fatty acid levels to ensure you are using the supplement safely it is advisable to consult your doctor.

Is It Safe to Take Flaxseed Oil Every Day?

Flaxseed oil is probably safe for most individuals to consume when taken orally. You can safely use flaxseed oil daily for up to 6 months if they are supplements containing 2 grams.

Flaxseed oil supplements comprising 2 grams per day can be taken safely for up to 6 months. Additionally, higher dosages of up to 24 grams per day have been taken without incident for up to 7 weeks. Loose stools and diarrhea are some of the side effects you may experience when you take flaxseed oil in large doses.

Will Flaxseed Lower A1c?

Participants with type 2 diabetes, who took flaxseed lignans for 12 weeks, saw an improvement in hemoglobin A1c, according to a study published in the journal Plos One.

Your blood sugar levels may reduce significantly when you take about 10-20 grams of flaxseed powder daily as claimed in some studies.

Does Flaxseed Oil Affect Kidneys?

In conclusion, a decline in renal function and reduced glomerular injury with favorable effects on blood pressure, plasma lipids, and urinary prostaglandins may be experienced with dietary flax seed consumption.

When Is the Best Time to Take Flaxseed Oil?

Overall, for optimal health, it is advisable taking flaxseed capsules in the morning to provide your body with necessary and essential nutrients.

Additionally, to keep the bowels moving regularly and to prevent digestive issues it is best to take flaxseed oil in the morning.

Does Flaxseed Interfere with Metformin?

Between flaxseed and metformin, there have been no interactions found.

Is Flaxseed Good for Insulin Resistance?

Flaxseed supplementation decreased insulin resistance, according to the findings from a recent study. An HOMA-IR index significantly decreased despite the plasma insulin concentration not changing significantly.

Therefore, this suggests following flaxseed supplementation there was a decrease in insulin resistance or decreased glucose concentration.

Which Is Better, Flaxseed or Flaxseed Oil?

The provision of much more ‘essential’ fatty acids per serving is the major advantage of flaxseed oil over ground seeds.

The ‘essential’ fatty acids are healthy fatty acids that your body cannot make and therefore you need to take them through a diet.

Does Flaxseed Oil Increase Creatinine?

The serum and kidney creatinine levels in several pathological and experimental conditions have been lowered by the use of flaxseed oil or flaxseed diets. Renin mRNA levels in SHR 37 have been shown to be inhibited by flaxseed oil.

Does Flaxseed Oil Affect Blood Pressure?

Lower risk of developing high blood pressure has been linked with a higher intake of flaxseed oil as per the result shown in the population research.

Additionally, blood pressure in men with high cholesterol and normal blood pressure can be lowered by taking flaxseed oil supplements, according to suggestions from early research.

Is Flaxseed Oil Anti-Inflammatory?

There are anti-inflammatory properties in a-linolenic n-3 fatty acid (ALA), which is abundant in flaxseed oil (FO)

Does Flaxseed Oil Help You Sleep?

One of the natural mood lifters is omega-3 fatty acids and they are abundant in flaxseed oil. To promote a night of deeper sleep, it was noticed that many people took just 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil one hour before bed. In initiating and maintaining sleep, generally, fatty acids are involved.

Before using flaxseed oil and to ensure that it is appropriate for you, it is advisable that you speak with your healthcare provider.


Symptoms of Hypoglycemia

When someone with diabetes does not have enough glucose (sugar) in his or her blood it may lead to diabetic hypoglycemia. If you do not have glucose, you cannot function well since it is the main source of fuel for the brain and body. 

A blood sugar level below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL), or 3.9 millimoles per liter (mmol/L) is a low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) for many people. However, there might be a variation in your numbers. Therefore, when you want to know the appropriate range to keep your blood sugar, you should ask your health care provider. 

Treat low blood sugar promptly while also being observant of the early warning signs of hypoglycemia. Eating or drinking a simple sugar source like glucose tablets, hard candy or fruit juice can help you to raise your blood sugar quickly.

Additionally, what to do if you are not able to treat the condition yourself and what symptoms to look for should be told to your family and friends. 

Early warning signs and symptoms

There are multiple signs and symptoms of diabetic hypoglycemia. However, some of the early indications are:

  • Pallor (unhealthy pale appearance)
  • Shakiness
  • Lightheadedness or dizziness
  • Sweating
  • Nausea or hunger
  • Fast or an irregular heartbeat
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Fatigue and feeling weak
  • Anxiety or irritability
  • On your cheek, tongue, or lips, they will be tingling

Nighttime signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms that may disrupt your sleep id diabetic hypoglycemia happens when you are sleeping include:

  • Due to perspiration, they will be damp sheets and nightclothes
  • Nightmares
  • Tiredness, irritability, or confusion upon waking
diabetic hypoglycemia

Severe signs and symptoms

Signs and symptoms of hypoglycemia may worsen if diabetic hypoglycemia is not treated. These signs and symptoms include:

  • Strange behavior, perplexity, or both, such as the inability to do simple tasks
  • Speaking slowly or with difficulty
  • eyesight tunneling or haziness
  • Inability to eat or drink
  • Muscle weakness
  • Drowsiness

Severe hypoglycemia may lead to:

  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Unconsciousness
  • Death but or rare occasions

From episode to episode or from person to person, the symptoms can differ. Noticeable symptoms may not be there in some people and therefore there is a possibility of you having hypoglycemia and not having any symptoms.

Because of this, apart from keeping track of how you are feeling when your blood sugar is low and it is important to regularly monitor your blood sugar level. 

When to see a doctor

Serious problems such as seizures or unconsciousness that require emergency care can be caused by severe hypoglycemia. Therefore, in an emergency, it is advisable that you ensure your co-workers, friends, and family know what to do. 

The people you trust should be informed of hypoglycemia. You might be alerted to early symptoms by others who know what symptoms to look for.

A potentially serious situation can be easier to safely manage if your family members and close friends know where you keep glucagon and how to administer it. The release of sugar into the blood is stimulated by a hormone known as glucagon. 

If you are someone who is losing consciousness (not responding) or cannot swallow due to low blood sugar, here is some emergency information to give to others:

  • Your blood sugar levels will drop even further if you inject insulin. Therefore, you should never inject it.
  • Choking can be caused if given food or fluids and therefore should be avoided.
  • Use injection or nasal spray when giving glucagon.
  • If glucagon is not on hand, you do not know how to use it or the person is not responding, you should call 911 or emergency services in your area for Immediate treatment.

See your health care provider if you have symptoms of hypoglycemia multiple times a week or more. You may otherwise adjust your diabetes treatment regimen, or need to change your medication timing or dosage. 


If you are taking certain diabetes medications or taking insulin, you are likely to have low blood sugar.

  • There are multiple causes of diabetic hypoglycemia and some of the common include: –
  • Intake of too much diabetes medication or insulin
  • Low appetite
  • Skipping or postponing a snack or meal
  • Increasing exercise or physical activity without eating more or adjusting your medications
  • Drinking alcohol

Blood Sugar Regulation

Food is the main source of the body’s glucose. When blood sugar is too high, blood glucose(sugar) levels are lowered by the insulin hormone.

Taking more insulin than you need can cause your blood sugar level to drop too low and result in hypoglycemia if you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes and need insulin to control your blood sugar. 

Further, if you eat less than usual after taking your diabetes medication or if you exercise more than you typically do leading to your body using extra glucose, your blood sugar can also drop too low. It is always not easy to maintain the balance between activity, insulin, and food.

However, you can work with the following people to try to prevent low blood sugar levels: your healthcare provider, registered dietitian, and certified diabetes care and education specialist. 

Risk Factors

A greater risk of diabetic hypoglycemia is in some people and they include:

symptoms of hypoglycemia
  • Those who use insulin
  • Sulfonylureas, or diabetes medications, such as glipizide (Glucotrol), glimepiride (Amaryl), or glyburide, are used by patients (Diabeta, Glynase).
  • Older people and your kids those whose kidney or liver function is affected
  • People with diabetes who have had it for a long period
  • Those using several drugs; those who do not experience low blood sugar symptoms (hyperglycemia unawareness)
  • Anyone having a condition that makes it difficult for them to react quickly when their blood sugar drops
  • Those that consume alcohol


You may lose consciousness if you ignore the symptoms of hyperglycemia for too long. This is because the functioning of your brain requires glucose.

If hypoglycemia is untreated it can lead to seizures, loss of consciousness, and death hence you should recognize its signs and symptoms early.

The risk of serious or even deadly accidents can be brought by diabetic hypoglycemia and therefore your early symptoms should be taken seriously.


To lessen the risk of diabetic hypoglycemia:

  • Monitor your blood sugar. You may check and record your blood sugar level several times a week or multiple times a day depending on your treatment plan. The only way to make sure that your blood sugar level remains within your target range is by careful monitoring.
  • Do not skip or delay meals or snacks. Be consistent about the amount you eat and the timing of your meals and snacks if you take insulin or oral diabetes medication.
  • Measure medication carefully and take it on time. Follow your doctor’s advice when taking your medication.
  • If you increase your physical activity, adjust your medication or eat additional snacks. What medications you take, the type and length of the activity, and the blood sugar test results determine the adjustments. When making adjustments, follow your diabetes treatment plan.
  • If you choose to drink, eat a meal or snack with alcohol. Hypoglycemia can be caused by drinking alcohol on an empty stomach. Blood sugar monitoring is even more important when drinking alcohol since it may cause delayed hypoglycemia hours later.
  • Record your low glucose reactions. You and your medical team may be able to use this to spot tendencies that lead to hypoglycemia and figure out how to stop them.

In an emergency and to let others know that you have diabetes, carry some form of diabetes identification. A wallet card or bracelet and medical identification necklace can be used.


hypoglycemia diabetes

Does diabetes cause hypoglycemia?

When a person with diabetes does not have enough glucose(sugar) in his or her blood it may lead to diabetic hypoglycemia. If you do not have glucose, you cannot function well since it is the main source of fuel for the brain and body.

What does diabetic hypoglycemia feel like?

When blood sugar levels fall below four millimoles (mmol) per liter, symptoms of diabetic hypoglycemia usually occur.

Sweating, trembling or shakiness, and feeling hungry are some of the typical early warnings. You may also feel confused and have difficulty concentrating in more severe cases.

Can you have hypoglycemia with untreated diabetes?

When the sugar levels (glucose) in your blood are too low is when a condition known as hypoglycemia occurs. This condition can occur in people who do not have diabetes despite many people thinking that it only occurs in people with diabetes.

What happens when a diabetic has a hypoglycemic episode?

When blood sugar levels are too low i.e., below 70 milligrams per deciliter (mg/dL) it may lead to a severe hypoglycemia.

Such low levels of blood sugar can lead to seizures and become life-threatening without treatment. With such low levels of blood sugar, it becomes a medical emergency.

What foods should hypoglycemics avoid?

Your blood sugar levels can fluctuate significantly if you eat the following foods and therefore, they are not suitable for people with hypoglycemia:

  • White bread, pasta, and white rice
  • Trans fats
  • Sugar-sweetened drinks
  • Fruit-flavored yogurt
  • Sweetened breakfast cereals
  • Honey, agave nectar, and maple syrup.
  • Dried fruit.

What will happen if hypoglycemia is not treated?

Any of these severe symptom’s seizures, unconsciousness, and eventual death can be caused if hypoglycemia is left untreated. Because of this, no matter the cause, it is critical to treat low blood sugar immediately.

Can hypoglycemia lead to death?

Apart from severe hypoglycemia being fatal and accounting for up to 10% of deaths among young people with type 1 diabetes, it also causes coma, seizures, and brain damage. 

How long does it take to recover from hypoglycemia?

Recovery from any acute cognitive decrement after severe hypoglycemia was completed by 1.5 days as per general suggestion results. 

Does hyperglycemia cause weight gain?

Since people with hyperglycemia use food to raise their blood sugar, they may find they gain weight because they are eating more calories than they would normally.

Does stress cause hypoglycemia?

Serious changes in blood sugar levels can be caused by repeated episodes of stress and it is important to be aware.

This aids in increasing the risk of hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) since it is harder for diabetics to manage their condition.

Can hypoglycemia cause stroke?

There is both a higher risk of stroke and poor stroke outcomes in diabetic patients compared to non-diabetic subjects. In both T1D and T2D patients, frequent hypoglycemia is observed.

Hypoglycemia may increase the risk of stroke in diabetic patients according to suggestions from pre-clinical studies.

How can I fix my hypoglycemia fast?

Get fast-acting carbohydrates and eat or drink 15 to 20 grams of them. These sugary foods or drinks are easily converted to sugar in the body since they are without protein or fat.

15 minutes after treatment, recheck your blood sugar levels and then have a meal or snack.


Is Intermittent Fasting Good for Diabetes?

Improving insulin sensitivity, losing weight, and gaining better control of your blood sugar levels could be helped by intermittent fasting if you have diabetes. 16/8,5:2 fasting and alternate-day fasting as the most popular forms of intermittent fasting for diabetes diets. 

A fantastic way to lose weight, improve brain and heart health, gain better control over blood sugar levels, and many more is through intermittent fasting. People have begun to wonder about intermittent fasting for diabetes and it is no surprise given the popularity of this diet. 

Choosing the right diet can make the difference, if you are at a high risk of developing diabetes or if you are currently managing diabetes.

You may be able to reduce the amount of medication you need to manage the condition if you are able to control your blood sugar levels through diet.

To learn more about intermittent fasting diabetes for diabetic patients like how these diets can help you manage your diabetes and the most popular intermittent fasting methods it is worth taking your time.

You can start living your best life with diabetes by taking charge of your diet and treatment plan. 

What Is Intermittent Fasting?

A series of diets such as alternating between times you may eat and times you may fast is known as intermittent fasting. Fasting restrictions may be set to specific days of the week or certain times of the day depending on the diet you choose.

The Different Types of Intermittent Fasting

diabetes fasting

 Dieters can choose from several fasting periods due to the flexibility provided by intermittent fasting diets. There are multiple forms of intermittent diets for diabetes and some of the most popular include:

  • The 16/8: It is considered the most sustainable hence making it the most popular intermittent fasting diabetes diet. Eating eight hours a day is restricted to this type of intermittent fasting. You can fast for the remaining 16 hours after choosing an eight-hour window that you would like to have meals within. Moreover, your fasting period must remain consistent throughout the week for the best results.
  • 5:2: You can eat at any time of the day; however, you will select two nonconsecutive days to restrict your caloric intake to around 500 to 600 in this form of intermittent fasting. 
  • Alternate day fasting: In this type of intermittent fasting, you can either fast or eat a meal containing less than 500 calories the following day after eating your regular diet one day. Of all the forms of intermittent fasting diets, this is considered the most difficult. 

When your caloric intake is restricted, you must eat a balanced diet during periods and choose healthier snack alternatives.

The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Blood Sugar

Insulin sensitivity and reduced insulin levels can be improved through fasting and calorie restriction. While fasting and shortly after eating people with diabetes who intermittently fast can better control their blood sugar levels because of this. 

Can You Use Intermittent Fasting to Reverse Diabetes?

A link between intermittent fasting and type 2 diabetes remission has been suggested through some evidence. There was improved insulin resistance and ceasing diabetes treatment in insulin-dependent diabetics as per the results of a small study.

Additionally, there were reduced hemoglobin levels and significant weight loss in insulin-dependent diabetics as a result of the diet.

Additional Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Diabetes

Apart from providing better blood control, you may also experience the following benefits from intermittent fasting for diabetes:

  • Your weight will reduce
  • The health of your brain will improve
  • The health of your heart will improve
  • Risk of obesity-related illnesses, including some forms of cancer and sleep apnea, will reduce
  • The risk of inflammation-associated conditions like arthritis, asthma, and stroke will reduce

Is Intermittent Fasting Better or Worse for Certain Types of Diabetes?

The benefits and risks of intermittent fasting in people with diabetes have been looked at in only a small number of studies.

People who have type 2 diabetes are always the main focus of most of these studies. And this is because, when fasting for long periods people with type 1 diabetes are at higher risk of having low blood sugar.

Insulin, which is what increases the risk of low blood sugar is always needed by people with type 1 diabetes because of this. Insulin increases the risk of low blood sugar and it is the reason people with type 1 diabetes use it.

food fasting

However, there is also a higher risk of low blood sugar in response to fasting in people with type 2 diabetes who are on insulin or certain oral medications. 

While fasting for Ramadhan, people with type 1 diabetes were looked at in one study. Their risk of low blood sugar decreased with careful planning as was found by researchers.

There was strict monitoring of their blood sugars while participants decreased their doses of insulin medication. They were able to successfully fast without significant complications after taking these measures.

There was temporary fasting for participants in this study. For someone to undertake in the long term these measures are not practical for them. Therefore, for people with type 1 diabetes intermittent fasting may not be the safest or best option.

For those on insulin or other medications that increase the risk of low blood sugar intermittent fasting is also not ideal for them.

Intermittent Fasting Diabetes Risks and Precautions

Before starting a new diet, you must be aware of these risks since intermittent diabetes is not without risks. The following side effects may be brought about by intermittent fasting:

  • Fatigue
  • Mood changes
  • Persistent hunger
  • Nausea
  • Headaches
  • Insomnia

These symptoms are more likely to be experienced by patients with diabetes. Furthermore, a sharp increase in blood sugar levels after fasting or low blood sugar levels when fasting is the most significant risk of fasting for patients with diabetes. 

Hyperglycemia or blood sugar levels that are too high can be resulted from eating foods that contain high levels of carbohydrates or sugars after breaking a fast.

People with diabetes especially patients with type 1 diabetes can also be at risk of developing hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar during fasting. 

It is essential to be aware of the signs of low and high blood sugar levels to avoid either of these conditions if you have diabetes and would like to try intermittent fasting.

Vigorous exercise can make your blood sugar levels fall further and therefore you also need to avoid intense workouts during fasting periods. 

Before you begin intermittent fasting, it is recommended that you speak with your primary healthcare provider about dietary changes if you are currently managing diabetes.

Necessary adjustments to your medication can be aided by your healthcare team to ensure you start intermittent fasting safely.

The Bottom Line

Improving insulin sensitivity, losing weight, and gaining better control of your blood sugar levels could be helped by intermittent fasting if you have diabetes.

fasting with diabetes

Intermittent fasting does come with its risks despite it being safe for most people. Therefore, you must speak with your healthcare provider and monitor any symptoms you experience should you choose to begin intermittent fasting for diabetes.


How long should a diabetic do intermittent fasting?

There are variations in intermittent fasting plans. Limiting eating to certain periods of the day or restricting calories two or three days a week are among the varying plans.

Fasting for up to 36 hours at a time for 7 or 14 days is part of the stricter plans. However, for people with type 2 diabetes, the latter isn’t typically recommended.

Can fasting worsen diabetes?

Insulin, a sugar-regulating hormone, action may be impaired hence increasing diabetes risk by fasting every other day to lose weight.

Before starting such weight loss programs careful considerations should be made since long-term health risks may be associated with fasting-based diets according to suggestions from findings.

Does intermittent fasting raise blood sugar?

There were significant reductions in fasting glucose levels (an average decrease of 4.16 mg/dL; p = 0.003) in individuals who practiced intermittent fasting as shown in eight studies in a 2021 literature review.

Does fasting lower a1c?

Scientists report, that in people with type 2 diabetes, intermittent fasting could be a beneficial option for lowering HbA1c.

Why is my blood sugar high after fasting for 16 hours?

intermittent fasting diabetes type 2

Even if you follow a strict diet, your fasting blood sugar reading can go up since your body does not respond to insulin the same as most. Your body’s way of making sure you have enough energy to get up and start the day is by a boost in sugar.

How long can a diabetic go without eating?

The absolute max people with diabetes should push is 5 to 6 hours between meals. During the day, you should try to minimize any long gaps without eating.

Does intermittent fasting cause insulin spikes?

Raised insulin levels, damaged pancreatic cells and increased amount of abdominal fat may be caused by intermittent fasting according to suggestions from new research.

Is it Ok to intermittent fast every day?

Depending on your preference, you can repeat this cycle as frequently as you would like i.e., from daily to just once or twice per week. Among those looking to lose weight and burn fat, this fasting method has grown widely in popularity.


Benefits for Vitamin B12 for Diabetics

Is Vitamin B12 Good for Diabetics?

There is an essential vitamin to your body yet it cannot produce it. This essential vitamin is known as cobalamin or Vitamin B12. Apart from being added to certain foods and being available as an oral supplement or injection, you can find Vitamin B12 naturally in animal products.

There was a vitamin B12 deficiency of about 29.66% in diabetic patients as per the laboratory tests that were done in a study in 2016. There were also lower values of B12 statistically in patients on metformin.

Vitamin B12 deficiency was significantly higher in those who smoked than in those who did not smoke. Additionally, vitamin B12 was lower in patients using multivitamins compared to non-users.

Your body needs vitamin B12 for various purposes. This vitamin is essential for the formation of red blood cells and DNA synthesis apart from being essential in supporting the normal function of your nerve cells. The recommended daily intake (RDI) is 2.4 mcg, for most adults. However, for breastfeeding or expectant mothers, it is higher.

Benefits for Vitamin B12

What Are the Symptoms of B12 Deficiency?

There is a wide range of symptoms that may be related to folate or vitamin B12 deficiency. If the condition goes untreated it can worsen despite it developing gradually. The symptoms include: –

• Fatigue or extreme tiredness
• Lethargy (lack of energy)
• Breathlessness
• Feeling faint
• Headaches
• Pale skin
• Palpitations (noticeable heartbeats)

Benefits Of Vitamin B12

Improving your memory, helping prevent heart disease, and boosting your energy is among the multiple impressive ways that vitamin B12 may benefit your body.

Here are 9 benefits of vitamin B12 that are all based on science:

1. Helps with red blood cells formation and anemia prevention

Red blood cells are essential to your body and vitamin B12 plays a crucial role in their production. A reduction in red blood cell formation is caused by low vitamin B12 since the low levels of vitamin B12 inhibit the proper development of red blood cells.

The deficiency of vitamin B12 in your body will lead to red blood cells becoming larger and typically oval. Small and round is an indication of healthy red blood cells.

The rate at which red blood cells will be moving into your bloodstream will not be appropriate because of their larger and irregular shape and this will cause megaloblastic anemia.

Moreover, you may experience symptoms such as weakness and fatigue when you are anemic and this is due to the lack of enough red blood cells in your body to transport oxygen to your vital organs.

2. May Prevent Major Birth Defects

A healthy pregnancy is much dependent on adequate vitamin B 12 in your body. For the proper development of a fetus’s brain and nervous system, sufficient B12 levels are required from the mother, especially during pregnancy.

You may have an increased risk of birth defects such as neural tube defects due to vitamin B12 deficiency in the beginning stages of pregnancy. Moreover, premature birth or miscarriage may be contributed by maternal vitamin B12 deficiency.

Compared to those with adequate levels, women are three times more likely to give birth to a child with birth defects should they have vitamin B12 of lower than 250 mg/dl as per results from one study.

Further, compared to women with levels above 400 mg/dl, women with a vitamin B12 deficiency and levels below 150 mg/dl the risk of giving birth to a child with defects was five times higher.

3. May Support Bone Health and Prevent Osteoporosis
diabetes mellitus

Your bone health may be supported by adequate levels of vitamin b12 in your body. People with a vitamin B12 deficiency also had lower than normal bone mineral density as per the result of one study in more than 2,500 adults.

You are at an increased risk of having osteoporosis in case you have bones with decreased mineral density since your bones are likely to become fragile and delicate over time. Especially in women, there is a link between osteoporosis and low vitamin B12, and poor bone health as shown in other studies.

4. May Reduce Your Risk of Macular Degeneration

An eye disease that mainly affects your central vision is known as macular degeneration. To help prevent the risk of age-related macular degeneration maintaining adequate levels of vitamin B12 is essential.

Additionally, there is a type of amino acid that is found in your bloodstream known as homocysteine and according to studies supplementing with vitamin B12 may help lower it. An increased risk of age-related macular degeneration has been associated with elevated homocysteine levels.

Supplementing with vitamin B12, along with folic acid and vitamin B6, may reduce this risk as per a study that involved 5,000 women aged 40 and above.

To fully understand vitamin B12’s role in promoting vision health and preventing macular degeneration further studies are ultimately needed.

5. May Improve Mood and Symptoms of Depression

Your mood may be improved by using vitamin B12. It is not yet fully understood the effect of vitamin B12 on mood. However, there is a chemical responsible for regulating mood and it is known as serotonin and vitamin B12 plays an essential role in its synthesizing and metabolizing.

Therefore, you are likely to have a depressed mood because of decreased serotonin production that is caused by vitamin B12 deficiency in your body.

Symptoms of depression in people deficient in this vitamin can be improved by the use of vitamin B12 supplements as supported by studies.

Compared to those treated with antidepressants alone in one study with people with depression and low vitamin B12 levels, it was found that those who received both antidepressants and vitamin B12 were more likely to show improved depressive symptoms.

There were two times more the risk of severe depression associated with vitamin B12 deficiency as per discovery from another study. Furthermore, better treatment outcomes and an increased probability of recovery from the major depressive disorder have been linked with high vitamin B12.

Research does not currently suggest that vitamin B12 supplements have the same effect in those with normal B 12 levels despite these supplements helping to improve mood and depression in people with deficiency.

6. May Benefit Your Brain by Preventing the Loss of Neurons

Memory loss especially in adults has been associated with vitamin B12 deficiency. The loss of neurons in the brain is known as brain atrophy and often this is associated with dementia or memory loss using vitamin B12 can play a major role in preventing it.


A combination of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acid supplements slowed mental decline as per the results of one study in people with early-stage dementia. Poor memory performance can be contributed even with vitamin B12 levels on the low side or normal in findings from another study.

Therefore, even in the absence of a clinically diagnosed deficiency, supplementing with this vitamin may improve memory.

To make sound conclusions on the effect of vitamin B12 supplements on memory and cognitive function, more research is needed.

7. May Give You an Energy Boost

The go-to product for a surge of energy has long been touted to be vitamin B12 supplements. Despite them not necessarily providing energy by themselves, the production of energy by your body is always supported by vitamins.

Scientific evidence suggesting that vitamin B12 supplements can boost energy in those with sufficient levels of this vitamin is currently not there. On the other hand, taking a supplement or increasing your intake will likely improve your energy level especially if you are significantly deficient in vitamin B12.

Fatigue or lack of energy is one of the most common early signs of vitamin B12 deficiency.

8. May Improve Heart Health by Decreasing Homocysteine

An increased risk of heart disease has been linked to high blood levels of the common amino acid homocysteine. Your homocysteine levels are likely to become elevated if you are significantly deficient in vitamin B12. Your risk of heart disease may be reduced by a decrease in homocysteine levels with the help of vitamin B12 as shown by the studies.

To understand the relationship between vitamin B12 and heart health, further research is needed. This is because scientific evidence to confirm vitamin B12 supplements are effective in this regard is currently not there.

9. Supports Healthy Hair, Skin and Nails

To promote healthy hair, skin, and nails, adequate levels of vitamin B12 are needed given this vitamin’s role in cell production.

It is true that various dermatologic symptoms include hyperpigmentation, nail discoloration, hair changes, vitiligo (another term for the loss of skin color in patches), and angular stomatitis (inflamed and cracked mouth corners) can be caused by low vitamin B12 levels in your body.

Dermatologic symptoms in people with vitamin B12 deficiency can be improved by supplementing with vitamin B12. However, taking a vitamin B12 supplement is unlikely to improve your skin, nail strength, or hair health if you are well-nourished and not deficient in this vitamin.

Who Is at Risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

An estimated 20% of people in the United States and the United Kingdom aged 60 and above have normal or deficient borderline levels while the number of people with vitamin B12 deficiency is estimated to be around 6%.

The occurrence of vitamin B12 deficiency can happen in one of two ways. It can be either your body is unable to fully absorb vitamin B12 from the food you eat or the food and diet you take do not have adequate amounts of the vitamin.

Those at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency are as follows:
• Older adults
• If you have gastrointestinal conditions like Crohn’s disease or celiac disease.
• If you have ever had surgeries especially gastrointestinal like bariatric surgery or bowel resection surgery
• If you are on a strict vegan diet
• If you are using blood sugar control such as metformin
• If you are using proton pump inhibitors for chronic heartburn

A reduction in the absorption of vitamin B12 can be caused if there is reduced secretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach of many older adults.

Your doctor may recommend intramuscular injections of B12 to increase your levels if your body has difficulty absorbing it.

b12 deficiency

Despite some plant-based kinds of milk or grains having been fortified with Vitamin B12, it can only be naturally found in animal products in abundance since it is always limited in vegan diets. Because of this, people with a strict vegan diet are at risk of vitamin B12 deficiency.

Preventing vitamin B12 should be easy if you eat a healthy, varied diet. However, it is advisable that you speak to your doctor especially if you think you might be at risk.

Oral or intramuscular injections are the most common ways of preventing or resolving vitamin B12 deficiency.

Metformin And Vitamin B12

The relation between prolonged usage of metformin and vitamin B12 deficiency has been shown in the evidence from observational along with interventional studies.

The calcium-dependent absorption of B12 may be affected. The dose and the duration of metformin usage have been stated to be inversely related to the serum vitamin B12 values.

Considerable problem of peripheral neuropathy in non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) patients may increase due to the extended use of metformin, accompanied by vitamin B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B12 deficiency affects about 30% of diabetics who are 40 years of age and above and state about having a diminished sensory perception in their feet by being an impending health abnormality, neuropathy.

The Bottom Line

Through diet or supplements are the only means that you must obtain vitamin B12, a water-soluble vitamin. Preventing major birth defects, bone health, improving mood, and maintaining healthy skin and hair are some of the many bodily functions and benefits of vitamin B12 to your health.

It is crucial that you get enough vitamin B12 through your diet. However, supplements are a simple way to increase your B12 intake if you struggle to obtain enough or have a condition that affects its absorption in your body.


vitamin b12 for diabetics
  • Do diabetics need B12?

For optimal hemopoietic, neuro-cognitive and cardiovascular function, vitamin B12, which is an essential micronutrient is required. Among patients with type and type 2 diabetes mellitus, biochemical and clinical vitamin B12 deficiency has been demonstrated to be highly prevalent.

  • Does B12 Lower Blood Sugar?

To metabolize proteins, fat, and carbohydrates into glucose, the help of vitamin b12 is essential. Your body’s main source of energy is glucose and because of this, low glucose levels in your body can be caused by vitamin B12 deficiency. Fatigue is one of the main symptoms of hypoglycemia and to treat severe fatigue, vitamin B12 supplements are widely used.

  • Does Vitamin B12 Give You Energy?

Vitamin B12 might reduce your chance of fatigue thanks to its role in energy metabolism. To convert protein, fat, and carbs into energy, your body needs the help of vitamin B12 for its metabolization.

  • How Much B12 Should a Type 2 Diabetic Take?

Currently, in the US, 2.4 µg of synthetic vitamin B12 daily in either in fortified food or supplement form is the believed recommendation for adults with type 2 diabetes that are 50 years and above.

  • Does B12 increase diabetes?

Homocysteine levels can be reduced with B12 supplementation. With vitamin B12 therapy as there is the correction of hyperhomocysteinemia, improvement in glycaemic control can be shown in type 2 diabetes as a metabolic syndrome.

  • Does B12 Help with Insulin Resistance?

In patients with metabolic syndrome, the was improved insulin resistance and endothelial dysfunction, along with decreasing homocysteine levels after folate and vitamin B12 treatment as per the results of a study. This, therefore, indicates that on cardiovascular risk factors there are multiple beneficial effects of using folic acid.

vitamin b12 for diabetic neuropathy
  • Is Vitamin B12 Good for Diabetic Neuropathy?

When it comes to the treatment of diabetic neuropathy, it is still unclear whether taking vitamin B12 can help. A lessening pain and other abnormal sensations have been shown in some small studies. However, taking B12 supplements for diabetic neuropathy has not been shown to help people who do not have a vitamin B12 deficiency.

  • Are B12 shots Good for Diabetics?

In reducing the risk of low B12 and HHcy-related symptoms, treatment with B12 injections or supplements would help. The pain and suffering of diabetic patients would be reduced by such practice. Besides, the medical cost associated with treatments of diabetic co-morbidities would significantly decrease.

  • Which Vegetable Has the Most Vitamin B12?

Spinach, beetroot, potatoes, mushrooms, alfalfa, and many more are some of the vitamin B12 foods for vegetarians that contain a high amounts of Vitamin B12. However, some amount of vitamin B12 can be found in most vegetables.

  • Does B12 Help You Sleep?

To help induce sleep, it has been found that vitamin works directly on the brain. Additionally, to help patients with sleep disorders like insomnia, vitamin B12 benefits have been demonstrated. Insomnia is a disorder for those with difficulty falling asleep. Depending on the dose that is used, vitamin B12 has also been shown to improve sleep in healthy persons.

  • Does B12 Cause Weight Gain?

There is little evidence to suggest that vitamin B12 has any influence on weight loss and gain despite the various processes in which it has been involved.

  • How Does B12 Make You Feel?

2.4 micrograms of vitamin B12 a day is recommended by doctors for adults since they are usually safe. Your body will pass the rest out through your pee should you take more than what you need. Vomiting, nausea, anxiety, headache, and dizziness are some of the side effects that you may experience after taking vitamin B12 in high doses.

  • Can Vitamin B12 Affect Blood Pressure?

Lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure was associated with a higher intake of vitamin B12 as it was found. In children, lower systolic blood pressure was associated with a higher intake of folic acid.

  • Is Vitamin B12 Good for Kidneys?

Foods that are a rich source of B vitamins are recommended by medical experts. To prevent other diseases that might cause harm to people suffering from kidney failure, vitamin B12 or folic acid and vitamin B6 along with EPO and iron function together. Therefore, it is true that when it comes to kidney function, vitamin B12 is involved.

vitamin b12 diabetes
  • How Much B12 Should a Diabetic on Metformin Take?

A dosage of 2.4 mcg a day is recommended for all individuals of 14 years and above. However, a slightly more dosage will be needed for nursing or expecting women. For those taking metformin, mandatory supplementation with B12 has now been proposed. Vitamin B12 will do the trick by taking a daily multivitamin containing 100% of the daily value (DV).

  • Should I Take B12 In the Morning or At Night?

Taking your B vitamins in the morning or with a meal is a general rule of thumb. For example, you should definitely take vitamin B12 in the morning. If taken at night, your sleep may be interrupted since B12 is important for energy metabolism.

  • How Long Does It Take for B12 To Start Working?

Before your vitamin B12 levels and symptoms like lack of energy and extreme tiredness start to improve, it may take a few weeks. The cyanocobalamin tablets may start to work within a few days if you have a hydroxocobalamin injection to boost your vitamin B12 at the start of treatment.

  • Which Vitamin Is Best for Nerves?

Energy to function for your nerves is provided by vitamin B1(thiamine) while to transmit nerve impulses correctly and relieve nerve pain, vitamin B6 is essential. To protect your nerves from damage and regenerate them vitamin B12 is involved. Your nerve pain may be partly caused by a deficiency in vitamins B12 or B1.

  • Can Vitamin B12 Affect Your Eyes?

For neurological function, an essential vitamin is vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. Progressive, bilateral, painless vision loss that is often associated with reduced color vision and central or cecocentral scotomas is a result of a rare complication caused by vitamin B12 deficiency optic neuropathy.


Benefits of a Cold Shower for Diabetics

Benefits of a Cold Shower for Diabetics – A great majority of people usually crave and enjoy hot showers in the waking hours of the morning. In fact, the feeling of the warm water on your skin is usually nothing short of magical.

As such, many folks do crank up the handle all the way up just to experience that warm caressing and massage-like feeling after a long night’s sleep.

Nonetheless, did you know that cold showers are just as important and as such should often be in your daily shower routine? More so for those with diabetes.

Many individuals often dread cold showers, especially in the mornings. However, have you ever realized that after taking one, you often feel quite different? If you have not, then you should give it a try as you might quite like the feeling afterward.

Experts indicate that you should often give cold showers a fair chance in your routine even if you do not like them. This is because, just like hot showers, they are also often associated with a number of health benefits.

Benefits of taking a cold shower

Cold showers are great and as such, some of the proven health benefits associated include:

Calming itchy skin

Cold showers have been associated with reducing the urge to scratch itchy skin. As such, even those with skin conditions that itch may overcome the desire to scratch the associated skin surfaces after taking a cold shower.

Waking up an individual

This is essentially increasing the overall alertness of an individual after a long night’s sleep. The cold shower sprays shock the body and associated organs thereby improving body activity through increased;

  • Oxygen intake
  • Heart rate
  • Brain activity

Increasing blood circulation

This is among the top reasons cold showers are widely recommended. As the cold water contacts your skin, surface blood vessels are often constricted, and as such surface circulation is immensely reduced.

This results in faster blood circulation within the deeper vessels in the body tissues in order to counteract the cold and maintain an ideal body temperature.

benefit cold shower

In essence, cold showers often trigger the circulatory system reducing inflammation and even further preventing cardiovascular diseases. It thus has direct opposite implications compared with hot showers among individuals with hypertension or cardiovascular disease.

Reducing muscle soreness post engaging activity/exercise

Cold water often has regenerative abilities. As such, after a vigorous and engaging activity like an intense workout session, the cold shower would initiate muscle relaxation and eventual repair.

Potentially boosting weight loss

This is another scientifically proven fact given that some fat cells such as the brown fat cells can often generate body heat by burning body fat. Nonetheless, the initiation of the entire process often depends on exposing the body to cold conditions like taking a cold shower.

Encouraging glowing hair and skin

Based on several accounts of anecdotal evidence collected over the years, cold showers have often been associated with several positive implications with regard to skin glow and healthy hair.

For instance:

  • Wellness experts have often claimed that since cold water constricts surface blood flow, the subsequent effect is always smooth and healthy glowing skin.
  • Furthermore, cold water unlike hot water does not dry out the sebum layer of the skin. As such, your skin and hair remain lubricated, protected, and healthily glowing.
  • Finally, experts also claim that cold water closes and strengthens your hair cuticles. As result, an individual’s hair may become stronger and healthier over time.

The cons of taking a cold shower

Despite the numerous benefits, cold showers also often present with some disadvantages, especially in selective scenarios. For instance;

  • Cold showers are often not recommended when you are already cold.

This is because exposing your body to even colder water will not help warm you up as this will only make you even colder increasing the time your body takes to warm back up.

  • Cold showers may also be a bad idea for the sick.

The cold water may create an even colder environment which might be too hard on your immune system further compromising your health. As such, it is only best to ease into the cooler temperatures rather than dive into a cold one.

Benefits of hot showers

With all the benefits of cold showers, it then begs the question of why many people like hot showers. That’s simple, many people do so to ease the stress of the day.


A hot shower will help you relax and fall asleep better at night.

It achieves this by activating our parasympathetic nervous system which subsequently initiates the feeling of tiredness which then makes us relax and fall asleep.

Other benefits of a hot shower include:

cold shower benefits

Providing relief from cold/respiratory symptoms

Hot showers often create a warm environment which then prompts the formation of steam within the bathroom. Steam has long been used as a natural remedy for reducing cold and respiratory-associated complications.

As such, the heat from the hot water and formed steam helps to:

  • Open airways
  • Loosen up phlegm
  • Clear out nasal passages

Aiding with blemishes

Hot water contacting the skin often facilitates the opening up of skin pores which subsequently allows your body to get rid of trapped dirt and excess oil causing blemishes thus rendering your skin smooth and with little to no blemishes.

Muscle relaxation

Finally, hot showers have also been found to help in the relief of body tension thus helping in the soothing of muscle fatigue.

The cons of a hot shower

Hot showers often do have some downsides too. However, these can often be avoided by appropriately regulating the shower water temperature and maybe taking care of your skin after a hot shower. Some of these cons include;

Drying out and irritating the skin

Hot water can often cause damage to the keratin cells on the outermost surface of the skin, the epidermis. This essentially diminishes the cells’ ability to lock in moisture thus creating dry skin.

Worsening of certain skin conditions

Since the hot water may result in dry skin, certain skin conditions like eczema may often take a turn for the worse complicating an individual’s health.

Encouraging itching

The heat from the hot shower water may often facilitate the release of histamine to the skin by mast cells resulting in initiation and continued itching and probable scratching on the skin.

Worsening of hypertension/cardiovascular disease

Individuals with these underlying health conditions may often increase their severity by taking too hot showers.

Which is better? Cold or Hot Showers?

Both shower options present with significant benefits and as such, opting for a single option might mean missing out on the other’s health benefits to your body. As such, an age-old technique is often recommended to ensure you get maximum health benefits from both options if possible.

Contrast shower

This technique entails getting the water as cold as possible and then standing in it for about a minute.

After the minute is over, you change the water temperature to as hot as your body can handle and then again stand in it for an additional one minute.

Subsequently, alternate between one minute each of cold and hot water for about three to five cycles for optimal benefits.

The cold water constricts surface blood vessels directing all the blood to the middle of the body.

Subsequently, the hot water expands the surface blood vessels allowing the blood to come rushing out again to the surface. This essentially facilitates the pumping of blood completely through the muscles, organs, and tissues of the entire body.

The contrast shower technique thus aids in rapid regeneration and detoxification of an individual’s body.


Despite the fear of taking cold showers, it is usually ideal to ease into the habit, slowly. You should thus start by slightly lowering the water temperature at the end of your usual shower. Make the water just cold enough that you start to feel slight discomfort and stay underneath for two to three minutes.

The next time you shower, ensure the water is slightly colder than the last time, and also try lasting underneath for an additional minute or two.

To decrease the discomfort in your mind, try deep breathing exercises when showering. After a couple of tries, let’s say seven to ten times, you might even start enjoying the cold showers and eventually turn down hot water completely.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

benefits of taking cold showers

Why is a cold shower good for you?

A number of studies have associated cold icy showers with a heightened immune system and increased resistance to illnesses.

An example is a study in the Netherlands that concluded that cold showers reduced the number of workers calling off work for sickness by 29% and another one also connected cold showers to increased cancer survival.

Is it good to take a cold shower every day?

Taking cold showers every day has been associated with a number of benefits such as increased efficiency in the circulatory system, and better-looking skin among others. As such, it is recommended if possible.

When is the best time to have a cold shower?

The best and most recommended time is usually in the morning as it will kick-start your overall systems getting you ready for the day’s engagements. Although it might be difficult, you can often start with your limbs, submerging one at a time to ease into the coldness.

How long should a cold shower last?

This often depends entirely on an individual. Most people often prefer starting with a warm shower and then switching near the end for a brief moment of 30 seconds to about 2 minutes. Nevertheless, some also just prefer a purely brief shower of 5 to 10 minutes or as long as you need.

Do cold showers burn fat?

Yes, but the process is not going to be any faster to elicit significant changes. As such, you should focus on other fat-burning techniques like intense exercise.

Similarly, adopting cold showers to the extreme like taking a 10-minute ice bath may elicit some benefits but not significant as this may often come with complications like impaired muscle growth and strength gains.

Are cold showers unhealthy?

Definitely no. if anything, they are tremendously good for you as they have proven to elicit tremendous benefits such as improved mood, burning of fat, and increased immunity among others.

How do you shower with neuropathy?

If your nerves are dulled, telling whether the water in your shower is the right temperature or even scalding hot may be difficult.

As such, you may need to often test with your elbow, install a bath thermometer or even acquire a temperature-controlled faucet to help gauge the water temperature for safe showering.

Should you put your head under a cold shower?

While the cold water rushing on your head might be beneficial waking your brain faster and initiating all the little energy systems in the body, I would recommend taking it easy and may be doing so only in intervals of short periods or when needed. This is because it is important not to lose heat in your head as this might prompt negative implications.

Are cold showers at night good?

Despite the overwhelming recommendation for cold showers as morning activities to help with refreshment and energy boost for the rest of the day’s engagements, they also help in the night as they tend to increase an individual’s endorphins which are the feel-good hormones.

Can you sleep after a cold shower?

Yes, the cool water usually aids in tricking your whole system into sleep mode. This is because, when you sleep, your body temperature lowers and by taking a cold shower before bed, you will essentially be initiating the temperature-lowering process thus showing the body it is near bedtime.

Why should you avoid hot showers?

Hot showers are often associated with several downsides if not taken accordingly. For instance, they can inflame the skin causing redness, itching, and even peeling mimicking the side effects of a sunburn.

Furthermore, they can disrupt the skin’s natural moisture balance and retention by depriving it of the natural oils, fats, and proteins that keep it healthy and glowing.

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