Sugar Detox - Lowering Blood SugarLowering Blood Sugar

Sugar Detox

Sugar Detox is important. Sugar is a natural ingredient that is found mostly in plants, particularly in sugarcane and sugar beets and fruit and vegetables. It is a carbohydrate from which the body derives energy. The sugar we consume either from processed food or from fruits, are broken down by our body to glucose which is needed for the proper function of our brain, muscles and other major organs. It is an important source of energy that our body need in our daily lives.

However, sugar is known to be the root cause of almost all diseases when taken in too much than what is needed by the body. In whatever form, sugar is the reason for obesity, heart disease, cancer, dementia, type 2 diabetes infertility, impotence and acne.

Symptoms Of Withdrawal From Sweeteners Or Refined Sugardiabetic-supplement

  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Fatigue
  • Depression
  • Detachment
  • Palpitations
  • Rapid Heart Rate
  • Poor Sleep

Cutting back on all sources of sugar can aid in staying healthy and reduces the need for medication for diabetes related complications. Although consuming sugar is hard to break, there are lots of nutritious food that replace sugary snacks or treats. Try to clean up or remove sugar or unhealthy sugary food from your cupboards. Stay away from cakes and pastries.

A diet of whole grains, vegetable, other complex carbohydrates, and protein foods can help stabilize blood sugar and lessen sugar cravings.

Nutrients That Can Help Minimize Cravings of Sugar

  • Vitamins B
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
  • Amino Acid
  • L-glutamine
  • Trace mineral chromium. Chromium has been shown to actively reduce glucose levels.

sugar-balanceReduce sugar intake to gain overall health. It will boost your energy and help improve your skin and sleep by boosting also the immune system. There are available supplements that will help you kick the habit of consuming sugar out of your system. Not only will it boost your energy but also help you be more aware of your sugar intake and control it.

  • Eat lots of protein especially for breakfast to balance your blood sugar and insulin and stop your sugar cravings.
  • Eat a lot of green leafy that are non-starchy like broccoli asparagus, green beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, eggplant, etc. These are carbohydrates that also make you lose weight.
  • Eat good fat. It helps you feel full. It is needed for fueling cells and balancing of blood sugar.
  • Get lots of sleep to fight hunger and cravings for sugar and refined carbs.  Less sleep tends to affect your appetite hormones and make you overeat.

To achieve optimum health and to avoid raising our blood sugar levels that would eventually lead to serious diseases, it is best practice self-control and eliminate all unhealthy foods from our diet.


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